![]() Nov 25 2015, 10:53 pm
That's a possibility, but I definitely want to rule out if there's any kind of issue I can solve at my end. Personally, my main suspicion is that something on your computer isn't liking the inclusion of the new information in the ad query string, although that really doesn't explain the Ctrl+R from Dream Maker having the same issue.
The Windows debugging tools are probably easiest. You can just Google for them and download them right off of Microsoft's site. Start the debugger, and attach it to the stuck dreamseeker.exe process.
Okay its gonna take a bit to download. I'll report back when I successfully do it :)
Okay. I'll be around a while, though not indefinitely. Ostensibly I need to try to get to bed a little earlier than normal tonight so I can be up bright and early for the parade tomorrow.
So I am looking for dreamseeker.exe in the processes and I cannot find it. BYOND.exe is not responding however.
I messaged you an error log for byond.exe, I'll message you a dreammaker.exe error log
What operating system and/or browser are you using?
Windows 7. What were you trying to do when the problem occurred? Open a Space Station 13 server. What actually happened, and how did it differ from what you expected? I opened the Byond client saw a update was available, updated tried to open the server and byond froze. I expected it to open as usual and it did work fine before the update. What steps did you follow? Open BYOND. Update from the previous version(508.1299) to the current version. Try to open a server. Anyone know what's wrong and how to fix it? Update: I reinstalled 508.1299 (Still had the installer in my downloads) and i can open the server again. |
I attached this to the bug report, so you can add your info. Please follow the steps I outlined for DevDuelist: First, try older versions to see what fixes it. (DevDuelist found 509.1313 is all right, but 509.1314 is not. Can you confirm?) If all is confirmed, try using a debugger and attaching it to the stuck dreamseeker.exe process. Wind back the stack until you find a place where it's in a BYOND module such as byondcore.dll, byondwin.dll, or one of the .exe files.
More instructions are here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ ff539042%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
Actually I'm having a problem also when trying to launch a game, byond hub literally stops working. I've tried uninstalling it but my computer just wont allow it. I tried playing a game and it wouldn't allow it without th newest version of byond. So I downloaded it and ever since then its been crashing left and right I cant run any games....... Please help.
If you're having actual crashes, please post crash info from the Windows event viewer. If it's hanging as DevDuelist has been seeing, please follow the instructions earlier in this thread for installing a debugger and attaching it to a stuck dreamseeker.exe.
Similar things are happening to me, when I click join it stops responding and nothing happens. This was the same when I downgraded to 508.1313 from 508.1515 for me though.
Those are 509 builds, not 508. Please follow the debugging steps outlined above, so I can get some information on where the .exe is stuck.
Here's some additional info:
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/msdnts/archive/2006/11/24/ how-to-debug-application-crash-hang-in-production-environmen t.aspx So if you install the Windows debugging tools, this is what you need to do: 1) Wait for dreamseeker.exe to hang, and then start up WinDbg and attach it to the program. 2) Once the debugger attaches, you'll see a window giving you a list of the modules that the program is using (e.g., dreamseeker.exe, byondcore.exe, etc.) and what addresses they're at. Type ~* at the command prompt in that window. 3) The list you'll see next is a list of threads in the program. Look for the one that says dreamseeker.exe or byondcore.dll or byondwin.dll; it's probably thread 0. Put that number into a new command to switch to that thread: ~0s (replace the 0 with another number of needed). 4) Now that you're on that thread, type k to get the call stack. 5) Copy the entire contents of the window. You can put it in a pastebin and send me the link in a message, or you can send me a message by wrapping the whole thing in <pre> ... </pre> tags. |
I appreciate you guys trying your best to solve the problem. I hadn't played byond in a while and I would like to come back to the website its a genuinely good website. However this little bug or what ever is a huge red flag and I have no clue how to by pass it I know your probably giving the most vivid and detailed guide on how to bypass this little dilemma a few people or just my self is experiencing all I want is to play the game. However I am not willing to do what ever it is that you are instructing me to do it may be a flaw of my pc or it may be an error byond has put into dream seeker its self. I would make a donation to byond in thanks to fixing the problem, it wont be a big one by all means nor am I even implying that I'll make this donation as a bribe or extortion for any means of a service just as a thank you from a satisfied customer or "byond player" Please release a patch... If its a problem on my end I have to seek out how to fix or what ever the case may be it never gets solved. Thank you for your time and the effort by reaching out to me and letting me know of a method I could use to potentially fix this problem and the fun games I've played on your website.
The problem is, I can't patch this until I have data. That's why I've asked users who have this issue to get this info. I haven't been able to reproduce the problem on my end.