I'm sure no one cares, but I don't intend on staying on this site after this post. Surely I'll have the 'everyone says that, just look at Ganite', but telling you I'm leaving won't do anything. Hell, leaving won't really effect anyone here. Everyone that liked me isn't active anymore and the handful that are I talk to more often off-site than on-site.
I'm sick of this site staying the same. The community is never going to get better, I'm not going to stick around and wait for it to do so. Don't get me wrong, I may still use the software; the community is meaningless, though.
Most of the members worship a select few of the other members, including Ter, Yut, Teka, Tom, Lummox, Empirez, and anyone with a slight hint of talent, for as long as they can keep the lie of progress alive in your eyes. No one here ever does anything, no matter how much they have to do it with. 'But you don't either!'- I accomplished more with a zeta rip than most people here that claim to be 'working on something big'. I still have hopes for finishing a project, but I work 54 hour weeks, twelve hour shifts. I have a wife, I have a life. I don't live at home with mommy and daddy, maybe with a part-time job to try and tell people I support something or someone in my house. I don't have time to sit around and no-life LoL and talk in skype chats about how I'm (not, btw) going to do something great.
Yut played Dark Souls and instantly changed his entire mindset towards game design; but can't see that he isn't always right and that he isn't the be-all end-all here. He thinks he's better than the rest of you, even if he may say different from time to time; 'at least i released something'. What has he done here that, outside of this site, is anything to look twice at? Everything he's ever done, all I can do is look at it and go 'oh, that's neat' and move on.
Ter is a great mind with little to use it on. If he actually did something with all his knowledge, outside of his smaller projects, he could actually make a game that could stand outside of BYOND without trying to appeal/market to some small niche of gamers.
Teka's seems a nice guy, has done more for BYOND as a whole than any other user. I don't know him, I never really had much interaction with him that I didn't think 'hey, this guy's pleasant', but people raise him on such a high pedestal because of how much he's given. It's a great thing, but all of these people that don't know the guy in the slightest are all worshiping his name.
Tom has made bad business choice after bad business choice the entire time he was at the helm of BYOND, but people all supported him blindly anyway. I've seen several people driven away by Tom AND the community members, merely for expressing their disapproval for how he was handling one thing or another. 'BYOND belongs to Tom, he can do what he wants. If you don't like it, leave.'- While I understand those comments and they're not wrong, they're not correct either. BYOND is a business(or is supposed to be, anyway) and should've been treated as such. Tom was so caught up in doing what he wanted and telling himself/us '____ didn't work when I did it __ years ago, so I'm not ever going to consider doing it in today's market'. 20 years ago, Facebook and Twitter would've never made it anywhere, the markets and the demands of the markets change over time.
Lummox was a major dick back in the day, but with all the 'behind the scenes' we got over the recent couple years, it's easy to understand why. Lummox is doing much better all-around and I'm happy with what he's doing with the software, supporting my belief that a lot of the problems I had with the direction of BYOND(as a whole) were issues either from Tom or from Tom and Lummox together, which is solved now that it's Lummox at helm. I wish him and this software the best.
Empirez posts un-witty and often distasteful posts and everyone eats it up as the most humor-filled text walls they read that day. You guys let his stuff be funnier than it ever actually has been because of this belief that he's some awesome comedian with totally cool opinions, dude. I see an occasional posting from him that's funny, but he has become increasingly dull over the last couple years. You guys just need to let that part of him die. He's always off about some mis-guided belief that MOBAs are life and complaining about everything else in his life, telling everyone how he's a momma's boy and loves his daddy and never wants to leave home. It's sad, then you guys post back 'lol, that Empirez, you should write jokes'. He clearly isn't the same as he used to be(which is fine, everyone grows) and you guys need to accept that.
Kumorii is the entire reason I've given up on this site, honestly. Always seemed a alright enough person, but blocked me for replying 'kay' to someone replying 'pc master race' to someone saying(forgive if this is a little off, I tend to block people who have me blocked so I don't have to be annoyed by being unable to reply to their posts) 'pc or nothing' after talking about how they were busy enjoying Bloodborne. All my reply was about was the contradictory statements made between supporting someone saying PC is the only way to game after citing how they enjoy a console-exclusive. Petty, I guess, but Kumorii was one of the handful of you community members I didn't wonder if I was going to get annoyed at how stupid or illogical they were being and he blocked me for a stupid and illogical reason. I'm sure my disapproval of the presence of minor(and one major) spoilers in the thread without warning played into his decision, but I have officially lost hope for this community. It was doing so good for so long, we only had a couple of sour apples(Lugia, we're still all looking at you), but the number just keeps going up and the sour apples begin to rot. If Lugia would've been banned when Lugia should've been banned, maybe all this downward spiral thing wouldn't have happened.
Lugia and Red Hall Dev(Zec-whateverthefvckhe'sgoingbynow) were the only problem users we had for a short time, other than the occasional thread debate(which went splendidly civil when those 'problem users' weren't there). DBZ fangames are rampantly 'in development' and half of them are illegally profiting, again. Higoten's 'BYOND and Within' haven't held any merit with me and seemingly several others since it started putting blatant rip-offs in the games listed. Dbz games allowed to accept 'subscriptions' and sell 'credits' via their hub and put on officially un-official(posted in announcements, but doubtfully actually approved or altered before(or after) so) BYOND update posts. It's stupid and it's ridiculous.
[EDIT]To be clear, I wasn't trying to 'bully' anyone with this posts, I was merely trying to point out the flaws in some of the users everyone here holds on a pedestal here. I apologize if anyone mentioned is/gets offended by what was said respectively about them. If you are reading this and were mentioned above and was offended by something said, contact me. If you have my email or skype, do it there. If not, page me. I might see it.
![]() Nov 25 2015, 10:27 am
![]() Nov 25 2015, 10:35 am
I completely understand how frustrating the community is. I hope you find a better one elsewhere. =/
The difference between you and Yut is that Yut left because of game development concerns. He came to develop games, got frustrated because no one else cares about the development of games as much as he does, and is in search of a more productive environment.
Your gripe with the site is obviously the fact that other users get more attention than you. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I can't control the fact that people read my posts and instantly want the D. This is like an ugly girl whining to a pretty girl about how all the boys want to go out with her - it's not the pretty girl's fault she's attractive, and the ugly girl just needs to accept the reality that nobody wants to smash her and move on with life. Oh, and my belief that MOBAs are life is not misguided. In fact, not only are MOBAs life, but they are love as well. ![]() |