Descriptive Problem Summary:
- winshow(usr, "id", 1) or winset(usr, "id", is-visible=true) does not work when trying to open up the games skin windows.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
- Run winshow(), winset() to the web-client to try and open up the games skin window.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
winshow(usr, "test_window", 1)
winshow(usr, "testwindow", 1)
winset(usr, "test_window", "is-visible=true")
winset(usr, "testwindow", "is-visible=true")
Expected Results:
- Windows should open up and be visible to the web-client.
Actual Results:
- Windows don't pop up at all but there is a noticeable delay.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?
- Every time
In other games?
- yes
In other user accounts?
- Yes
On other computers?
- Unsure
When does the problem NOT occur?
- Works just fine on dream seeker.
- None as of yet.