Descriptive Problem Summary:
- client.eye does not seem to work when you set it on anything other than yourself when on different z levels.
- Also took notice to atoms with verbs in range of the client.eye will popup in the web-clients commands regardless.
- clients verbs will randomly disappear when clients eye is not in range of his own mob.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
I've supplied a demo project please check it.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
if(src.client.eye != src) src.client.eye = src
else src.client.eye = locate(1, 1, 1)
Expected Results:
- client.eye should be able to see that location regardless if on the same z level or not.
- client should not randomly lose verbs when clients.eye is out of range of his own mob.
- client should not inherit any atoms with verbs within range of client.eye.
Actual Results:
- client screen goes black if not on the same z level.
- client also loses some verbs when his mob is not in range of the client eye.
- client inherits any atoms with verbs in range of client.eye.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?
- Every time.
In other games?
- Yes
In other user accounts?
- Yes
On other computers?
- Unsure
When does the problem NOT occur?
- Does not occur when using dream seeker.
- Only work around for the black screen problem is to set your mobs location to the location where u want the eye to be than set the eye to that location and set your mobs location back to the original spot.