I'm attempting to use some fancy text art, but I'm getting hit with the following error when I try this:
undefined text macro or escape sequence: \__/
It looks like macros and escapes are being read from the special text document syntax.
Bug? Or working as intended?
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1. Copy and paste my code into Dream Maker
2. Compile
3. Observe the generated error
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
src << splashscreen
_______ __ __ ______ __
/_ __(_) /_/ /__ /_ __/__ _____/ /_
/ / / / __/ / _ \ / / / _ \/ ___/ __/
/ / / / /_/ / __/ / / / __(__ ) /_
/_/ /_/\__/_/\___/ /_/ \___/____/\__/
Command(cmd as command_text)
Expected Results:
For the text art to compile as text.
Actual Results:
Dream Maker detects macros and escapes due to the format (positions of special characters) of the text art.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every time
In other games? Attempted several variations of the given code
In other user accounts? Unknown
On other computers? Unknown
When does the problem NOT occur?
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit http://www.byond.com/download/build to download old versions for testing.)