Nov 20 2015, 9:47 am (Edited on Nov 20 2015, 10:27 am)
So I'm toying with the old TextMUD libraries and whatnot, but I'm having an issue. Any time I try to make a telnet connection to one of my hosted worlds, seemingly nothing happens. I'm using the windows command prompt in Windows 10 to connect, after having enabled the telnet package. When I enter "telnet MYIP MYPORT" I get the message "Connecting", but then I get a blank line after that, and I'm returned to my starting directory. I can connect to random TextMUDs on the net with no problem, but I just cant get that connection to work with BYOND. Any library or personally created code, all suffer from the same problem. The port is forwarded, so I'm not sure what's up.
Nov 20 2015, 10:37 am
Have you enabled the command line parser for your game?
I see. So client/command() needs to be defined. I'm assuming that's something new in comparison to these libraries I can get my hands on. Well, at least it's not the W10 Telnet package!