Descriptive Problem Summary: Whenever I start a game, it renders graphics in software mode, rather than in hardware mode (if hardware mode is turned on by default). This issue, due to my computer using an Intel Celeron CPU, causes slowdown in larger games, and BLEND_MULTIPLY appears drastically diferent with brighter colors/atom.color or client.color.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem: Launch game with hardware mode on, and notice it run in software mode (this is more noticeable when a game with blend_mode settings that appear differently between hardware mode and software mode)
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
Expected Results: When Hardware mode is enabled, games start in hardware mode.
Actual Results: Games always appear to start in Software Mode in 509.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every time.
In other games? Yes.
In other user accounts? Yes.
On other computers? Based on information from Ishuri, yes.
When does the problem NOT occur? in 508.
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.) in the 508 Stable.
Workarounds: Every time you start a game, right click the title, go to client->preferences, uncheck 'use graphics hardware for rendering', click 'okay', then repeat to check it again, which properly enables hardware mode.
![]() Nov 18 2015, 8:14 am
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![]() Nov 18 2015, 11:18 am
There may be a game-specific component to this. If you use a lot of map controls this is more common. However this happens because the graphics mode can't be initiated properly, so it may not be fixable--it may just be your computer and the game combined.
Regarding this, this might not even be a game-related issue; the games I make and play always start in hardware mode (by my preference) in every BYOND version up to 509.1309 by my tests. However, it ignores my settings in 509.1310 and later, despite no changes being made to the .rsc or .dmb. (Futhermore, any edits I make to the game still allowed the game start in hardware mode in 509.1300-509.1309, so I'm positive something in 509.1310 is causing this to happen)
With extra information to provide, I'm only using one map control and a few browser controls for displaying gifs in a menu and for scaling the main map. |
I think you mean 1309. There is no build 1509.
There were some minor changes put in that prep for 510, so that might be part of what you're seeing, although I can look into that and see if some of the initializing it's doing early is necessary. |
Lummox JR wrote:
I think you mean 1309. There is no build 1509. Thanks for catching that; I saw a 5 instead of a 3 so I'm fixing my post as necessary. Hopefully it's not too difficult a fix; I use a few graphic effects that require hardware mode(such as BLEND_MULTIPLY) so this could've been a somewhat mildly irritating issue in the long run. |
Any news on this? I'm really looking forward to some features in 510, but I'm not sure if it would be worth updating if I have to change my rendering settings every time I load a game.
510 should address this properly, as it'll create temporary render surfaces at a different time than the current code does. I think what's happening for you is that your interface is complex enough that the initialization of the DirectX display is causing too much to happen all at once.
I've seen this with more complex interfaces myself, such as intermittently in a project that has three maps. |