YES! I win
Elation created a hole to the second dimension.
Hmm. Owie flashy background. This is a problem. Let's see...

Tools -> Web Developer -> CSS -> Disable Styles -> All styles. *click*

Much better! =P
Haha, this rules!

Too bad I have to highlight the text, though... =(
Yeah, I just disabled the CSS to fix the whole problem. Elation: My god man, have you no dignity, you are murdering our eyes. Think of the EYES!
At least get rid of the seizure screen on the headbar and such.

BTW: A different text color would be nice too.

This is enjoyable... Almost

I love how the purple (pink? magenta?) balls in the comment boxes are gravity-defying rebels!

And I'm actually able to read the text without too much difficulty, though it is a challenge!

*Thumbs up*
Thanks GokuX you are totally cool!!
Thanks, Elation Co.!
I've been loading up your blog and pointing it at my epileptic neighbor as well as my other enemies!
Total world domination has never been so easy!
(Unsolicited testimony)
...what did you do with that awesome CSS!? =(
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