When you make a new post, after you've hit submit, it goes to the new post, how ever, the url in your browser will be http://www.byond.com/forum/ or something like that. rather than the url leading to your post.
So in order to copy/paste the url of your new post, you have to go back to the forum you posted in, then click on your post, to get the proper url.
If it instead, redirected you to the url of your new post after saving your post, rather then displaying it, that issue would be solved.
Nov 15 2015, 3:51 am
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Nov 15 2015, 6:03 am
This also seems like an improper way of doing it -- i.e., you're not performing a redirect after the POST request but you're showing the result instead. This is wrong -- a POST request should always redirect to another resource via GET. Otherwise, pressing F5 easily allows people to spam POST requests using just their browser.