![]() Nov 18 2015, 11:52 pm
Oh that's brilliant.
Where, in the OP, has it been stated that we were conducting a spoiler-heavy posting? I did 'just go', instead of complaining. I felt as if there should've been some warning to the spoilers in this thread and was disappointed to read some of them. As for fugsnarf, I wasn't referring to aliens being in the game, I assumed as much. It was the epic description of the brother's 'mother ship' that I had spoiled for me.
Back to Kumorii 'The Dandy Fallout 4 Thread' suggest we're talking about the game, not spoiling it. Your OP suggest we're discussing weird/funny/broken things we found in the game. My bad for not assuming I was going to be spoiled by coming here. Now that I've sunk more time in the game, I'm more aware of what's going on in the game and don't care for the spoilers people might post, I've found nothing cooler than what was partially ruined in this topic, though. Disappointed. Would've appreciated a 'SPOILERS TO FOLLOW' warning anywhere in the OP. However, I came back(not for the above rant/reply to the post itself), to see what others may have found and share some of the glitches/oddities I found. Wanted to get this reply out of the way first, before I forgot. Will edit this post back after reading the rest of the new posts and making sure I'm not repeating stuff. [EDIT] OK, not a lot new here. Since companion behavior is a topic now, Piper sits a lot for me, I somehow lost dogmeat(sent him to sanctuary and now I can't find him), and Preston was doing push-ups around the Brotherhood in the police station. They wander off and talk to people randomly. Codsworth started talking to the bartender inside the inn at Diamond City, the bartender trying to talk him into some of his moonshine and Codsworth turning him down, saying he'd like an alternative fuel source, but his warranty would be voided if he used anything outside the Mr. Handy fuel by RobCo. That's the only one I distinctly remember. I feel kinda overwhelmed by the building in the game. Even the house you buy in Diamond City, it's got some defaults in it, but I liked the setup in three, where you could pick a theme. I think I would like the ability to pick a theme, THEN customize the small bits more than just having everything thrown at your feet and told to do it yourself. Maybe it's just that I don't like the fact I spent three hours fiddling with stuff when it was first introduced in Sanctuary. Something odd I've noticed(while abusing quicksaves in dialog), is that the 'easy/yellow' choices seem to fail 3x as much as the 'hard/red'. I had to re-load seven times on the easy choice when negotiating prices, then three times on the 'medium/orange' and only twice on the hard. I've had similar results on the other times I've failed multiple times. Either I'm unlucky with the easy's and really lucky with the hard's, or something's wrong here. Honestly, with as high as my charisma(and moderate my luck) is, this stuff shouldn't be much of a problem. Wish it showed me the percentage rate for success again(unless I'm just completely missing that). I keep running into this bug that's getting kind've annoying; when bartering with merchants, the first time, both inventories open up blank and never load in, only giving you the options to sort(through nothing) and leave. The second attempt always loads(so far), though. I think one of those Brotherhood sidequest from the police station bugged, I accepted both the scribe and the other NPC's quest and completed the clearing of the area first. After turning that one in, the other quest just told be to return to the scribe; which only told me I had a job to do and to get to it(because I never actually completed her quest), but I got the next main part to that questline after clearing the area out, so I don't know if that matters. |
Ghost of ET wrote:
There were spoilers in this thread? yes, thats part of why i hate life. because people spoil all the good stuff. for example, someone told me i was going to die one day. i don't know why they had to spoil the surprise. they couldve just let me find out on my own. |
So I found this cultist group called the Pillars of the Community or something. Brother Simon was introducing me to their group and I was hearing him out.
Suddenly a vertibird came falling out of the sky directly where we were standing. It landed and there were a couple huge explosions. Another piece of the same vertibird, I assume, landed just a bit away from us and exploded as well. When the dust settled, I realized that Brother Simon and the missionaries were all dead. So I resurrected them using the console command. ![]() ![]() This cult just got a lot creepier. I just left it as-is and moved on. |
That's terrifying. I guess his head exploded when he died and the console command reassembled the chunks.
So there's actually A LOT of stuff underwater. I found a powersuit and quite a bit of loot so far. It's dangerous in the deep water to the Southeast, though so be careful if you go to explore.
I don't know where you're finding this stuff. Practically everything I explored was nearly empty, and I was doing it with full underwater vision. And what do you mean by dangerous? Again, I found nothing. And the deep water to the Southeast is where I did most of my exploring.
my momma just won a xbox one :) know what that means! I'm going to grab Flalout 4 soon !!
xbone one probably best option at this point, but you should use windows 10 feature to play fallout 4 on your xbox from your pc. It will probably work a lot better on pc than consoles.
So the other night I was doing my usual aimless exploration and came across a marooned ship called the USS Constitution. A robot came out to greet me and insisted I talk to their captain. Having nothing else to do, I obliged and went up into the ship and found that the entire ship was crewed by robots. Security was ridiculous with several turrets on each cabin deck which kept me from stealing the absolutely obscene amount of loot filling the ship. Stimpacks, ammunition, wonderglue; you name it.
So I talked to the captain robot guy and ended up spending ~15 minutes on some simple runaround quests for them and that's when temptation struck. See, I had been low on health with no health items for awhile and figured, "oh these guys are cool with me now so they won't mind.." The second I picked up a single Stimpack I heard all three turrets on that floor do the click noise they make when targeting and proceeded to fire upon me. This was followed by all dozen or so robots coming at me, lasers blazing. I'm a good man among the wasteland, but it was me or them. I left their rusty corpses in a pile, looted everything and fled to the top deck where the captain and several high-power patrol bots were waiting to make me into a pincushion. I ran for a dingy on the side of the ship, and it instantly repelled down and I made off with lasers pewing the ground all around me like a badass. I had only one question on my mind afterwards. What do robots even need stimpacks for? |
And there i was sitting there playing bloodborne. Wishing i was playing fallout 4.
I shall have it by tomorrow and be able to share my stories :D!
Anyone on Xbox One? even tho game isn't online lol |