Well, i've been developing a game inside my head recently, i've got a few systems down, just gotta fix some bugs and then i can put it on the brain hub for everyone to think of and imagine. Hur's a mental picture of me fishing in my hardened leather, mail legs, and cloth shoes! Har har- Taste the red drum fish.
(Edit: Oh, and just for those who are wondering, no these aren't the turfs i've posted, and i might not post them. They're something i've been developing on the side- not really for everyone to have.)
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I kid. I wish it were that simple. No, i've been busy. I'm almost disappointed at how i've almost gotten nothing done graphics wise for people to use. Not only am i lazy, if this were a job, i'd be fired. Whereas i spend my free time doing what i truly love, playing games, and the rest of my time constantly getting new projects (For example a giant poster board composite with essay and speech), that's my only excuse.
If anything, i should be spending my free time learning to code. It would be much more productive.
On another note, what i have been trying to make, are turfs. Turfs are my obsession. I've been trying to get the perfect curves/bends/angles/realistic malformations/cliffs/etc. I want a perfect environment, but it seems somewhat difficult. And as many comments come about, "Hell for a mapper"
Soon, i hope, i'll get out of my lazy habbits and get to work. Really though, if this were a job i'd be homeless.
{And no, this isn't a real game. Har har.)
That's all, really. Really is, that's it. Yup that's it. Nothing more to see here. Not a thing. Ok. Bye. Later. Adios.
- Karnlor
![]() Sep 25 2006, 8:19 pm (Edited on Oct 6 2006, 6:10 pm)
![]() Sep 25 2006, 8:28 pm
You posted twice.
The texture of the grass kind of bothers me if I really stare at it, yet there's just something so... professional about it. :/
(even though there's not much there) |
I noticed. And i deleted it. Don't know why it did that. And yea Kami, i didn't really feel like making too detailed of a fake game screenshot. Could have added mountains, flowers, trees, rocks, etc- but then i'd have to actually make them. I just felt like making a fake game picture, that's all- not really make as detailed as possible.
Amazing... Wow... I haven't seen graphics like that on BYOND since... well... never have before. Keep it up!
I wouldn't worry about the mapper. You can code in Autojoining and random icon_states to make it look nice when run, and yet still easy to map.
If you want any help coding, I owe you one :) |
i understand you have a life..but for some reason when i met you i put my games future on your shoulders with the BIGGEST REQUEST EVER i cant make progress in my game till y our finished to i guess im in it for the long haul :) good luck btw and the map looks great
Black, as mentioned before, this is more of just a hobby of mine, to give to the community and improve myself while also benefiting others. If your really desperate for graphics, it's highly, highly highly highly hi hi hi highly recommended you find a devoted employee. Sorry.
Ps: This isn't a real map, as it's not a real game. |