Dragon-Ki Online

by S10Games
Dragon-Ki Online
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Dunno what current players issues there are but i was fairly quiet and only asked basic need to know things doing events or whatever but starting today other players who get high pl and stats dont rb and just camp world boss events killing everyone 10+ times easy its tiresome and noone wants to deal with that sorta attitude of an existing to a new player andwit that im taking my leave and i dont leave the server with high reguards i will not refer anyone to that byond game or req donating unless its made more new person friendly and less assholey by far Good luck
kids will be kids. that aside there definitely seems to be some sort of elitist douche bag hierarchy thing going on "durr look at me i afk trained to rb # blah blah so my words in OOC are more important than yours" its pretty obvii why this game isnt at 100+ players even after the hyped up wipe. have fun kids

P.S. Zasif seriously... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYKKQn3WXh0