I'm not going to roll for those last four attacks, so...
Lugia attempts to out Godmod the Godmodder. He laughs at Lugia.
Vrocaan class changes to a Dinomancer Ninja Lord. Um, okay.
Ter13 places a Gazebo, and makes it pretty, this one I'll allow. (5 v 1) The Pretty Gazebo gets demolished by the Glitch appearing.
The Godmodder laughs because he knows he has lost. Good sport old chap. Try again next time.
Alright, he is a good sport, so he'll roll the OutGodMod. A turn won't pass, meaning none of the Summons, or I guess now they are just NPCs, whatever, will move or attack.
(5 v 1) It doesn't kill him, nor does it make him stop Godmodding, but it halves his Maximum HP! Godmodder HP: 25/25 Oh my God, that worked? |
I'm done, these noobs ruined the game. This is exactly what's wrong with society today. Someone tries to organize a friendly forum RPG, and people mess it up with cabbage summons and timemancers. And no one listens to my class suggestions, such as Sebastian Swiftbow the Archer. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. Freaking forget it.
Okay, first of all, I'm fine with those ideas. TT2000s DtG was even weirder.
Second of all, Sebastian's in the game, he's fighting against the Godmodder. He even has his abilities, which brings me to- Third of all, Seb only seemed like a joke character. I mean, yeah, the Chronomancer is strange, but he has his abilities. When you suggested Seb, he had no abilities. He couldn't summon, his Attack abilities were made disfunctionally, the only thing he could do was shoot a bow! Fourth of all, I am the GM. What I say goes. And I'm not trying to be rude when I say, I gave you no such authority. You told Vrocaan he had to be him, and even ALLCAPS shouted at him that he couldn't be a Chronomancer when he suggested the shells. You're right, this was supposed to be fun, and you calling everyone a "noob" because of what they do for fun is not fun. When I did this, I expected things not to make sense, and you know what? I'm fine with all this. Do you want your big Nexian Warstaff back? Or should I throw it into a furnace? |
Alright, guys and gals that are playing.
After that outburst, I need a breather. Go ahead and post your actions, but don't say I'm fired like Empirez did when I first started up if I don't do a new post soon. I just want to sit down on my couch, and relax. I should be back on to continue the game soon, so I'll make a new post when I come back. The Game will definitely continue tonight, but whether that'll be 7:00 Central Time, or 8:50 Central Time, I don't know. So, BRB. And don't worry, the game's not ending yet, the Godmodder's still got fight in him. |
Alright, I want to do one more round of the game tonight.
Tomorrow, I'll do a post when I get back on, to get the game going again. So, for the last fight tonight, but not the last fight of the game, present! Your! Actions! |
You attempt to High Five Kozuma (3) The High Five is a bit sloppily done, but Koz appreciates the gesture.
That wasn't a turn going by, keep those actions coming, I have enough motivation to keep going after this turn! |
Well, tomorrow, we can keep things going, unless you guys want to keep going now?
I fuse with all of the minions, gaining all of their power and dealing 48 pure damage to the Godmodder. I then defuse with most of the minions, leaving all of the roller minions upgraded into super minions, with 10 caster minions and 12 melee minions remaining.
Greatness942 wrote:
Okay, first of all, I'm fine with those ideas. TT2000s DtG was even weirder. No, you're on the cabbage's side. Every time I try to wage war against the cabbage army, you trample over my ambitions and instead buff Kozuma's cabbages to the point where I get overpowered in each situation. He has like 3 giant cabbages, but you took my 4 roll and applied that to the equipification of my Nexian Warstaff and then stated that my attacks against the cabbage brothers was futile. How is this fair? Perform your duties as Game Master properly and without bias or we'll find someone else who can. Second of all, Sebastian's in the game, he's fighting against the Godmodder. He even has his abilities, which brings me to- No Vroocan is still calling himself a timemancer. He has yet to use any of the abilities I demanded that he use. My efforts to improve this role-playing experience have been shunned by the community and I will not stand for it any longer. I know my rights. Third of all, Seb only seemed like a joke character. I mean, yeah, the Chronomancer is strange, but he has his abilities. When you suggested Seb, he had no abilities. He couldn't summon, his Attack abilities were made disfunctionally, the only thing he could do was shoot a bow! See, more evidence of bias. You give me weak rolls so that I can't defeat the cabbage sisters, yet every time he summons a cabbage, everything is just fine and dandy with him. How is an Archer strange but an army of giant cabbages acceptable? I bet he's been paying you this entire time to grant him favorable rolls. Yeah, that's what it is. I've got you both figured out, and I'm reporting this fraud ass forum game to Nadrew as soon as I'm done expressing how fed up I am with this prejudice. Fourth of all, I am the GM. What I say goes. No, not anymore. I'm stripping you of your right to be GM here and now. I am declaring Lugia319 as the new Game Master. If you defy this commandment, I'll just get Nadrew in here and he can straighten you out himself. Do you want your big Nexian Warstaff back? Or should I throw it into a furnace? Let's not kid ourselves. I'm sure you've already had my Nexian Warstaff sold illegally on the black market. But that's okay, because I've contacted my lawyers and you'll be hearing from them soon enough. See you in court, bozo. |
Well, everyone is doomed.
Kozuma returns, and attempts to make the S-Cabbage a friend. (2) Unfortunately, it doesn't show. PokémonRed attempts to fuse with his minions, all 25 of them. (4) It'll take 3 turns to finish fusing. The Operator attempts to resurrect the Terrors. (6) Zombie Terror Enderman and Reanimated Terror Skeleton rise up, and the 6 gives him a Supreme Terror Zombie. 1 turn until the Nazi Scientists decode their findings. Pinkie Pie attempts to get rid of the Operator, citing him as "ruining the mood of this party!" (4 v 2) The Supreme Terror Zombie vanishes, leaving the Z-T-Enderman, the R-T-Skeleton and the Operator. Sebastian Swiftbow fires an arrow at the R-T-Skeleton. (4 v 1) MASSIVE DAMAGE! The R-T-Skeleton loses a big chunk of it's health! The S-Cabbage attempts to spawn another magic cabbage. (3) He summons a cabbage...that's it. Oh, and then it disappears due to Konlet's attempts to get rid of the S-Cabbage. The Godmodder and The Operator stare eachother down. The Godmodder suddenly creates a sword, and rams it through the Operator! (3 v 4) The Operator dodges the sword, and attempts a counter attack! (5) Suddenly, the Acidic Bacon Creepy Puppet and the SS13 Clown return and attack the Operator! (5 v 4) (1 v 2) The ABCP spews acid on the Operator, causing a bit of damage. He then dodges a punch from the SS13 Clown, finally attempting a counter attack. (4 v 1) The Operator kicks the Clown in the face, causing blood to drip from his mask! Godmodder HP: 25/25 The Operator HP: 4,223/4,223 (Chaotic Neutral) Melee Minion HP: 13/15 (Anti-Godmodder) Caster Minion HP: 12/14 (Anti-Godmodder) Nazi Scientists HP: 25/25 (Anti-Godmodder) Sleep Disorder Patients HP: 5/5 (Anti-Godmodder) Pinkie Pie HP: 1,000/1,000 (Anti-Godmodder) Sebastian Swiftbow HP: 800/900 (Anti-Godmodder) S-Cabbage HP: 225/3,000 (Anti-Godmodder) Z-T-Enderman HP: 2,000/2,000 (Pro-Operator) R-T-Skeleton HP: 1,000/1,500 (Pro-Operator) Acidic Bacon Creepy Puppet HP: 25/25 (Anti-Operator/Lawful Neutral) SS13 Clown HP: 75/75 (Anti-Operator/Lawful Neutral) |
First of all, I am rolling a die. Not in a Google Simulation, an actual Six Sided Die. d6. The order I do them in is the order of actions. You just keep posting your attacks against your allies, who are Cabbages, and they are the thing I pick up. Also! Also, I rolled the die again for the Staff, never even touched your roll. Just because it's the same number doesn't mean I reused someone else's roll. Also, are you honestly forgetting that the first actual roll was a 2, or a failure, to even get a Giant Cabbage, the second roll was a 4, or a Delayed Summon, so it was a normal growth, up until it got a 6 and killed the Terror Skeleton, I had it so it would upgrade on a 6. And, so, it did it again when it finished off the Terror Enderman, and became the Summoning Cabbage. Also, you stopped attacking it after the first miss.
Vrocaan isn't playing Chronomancer, he's playing Dinomancer Ninja Leader, and that's awesome! There is only one cabbage in play, the rest were rendered extinct. He isn't using his "abilities" because he is not a Ranger, and you are not the GM. Besides, "how is an Archer strange, but an army of cabbages are acceptable?" I never said Rangers, or as you call them "Archers" were strange, I said you gave Seb poor abilities. I mean, let's go back a bit. When you told Vrocaan he had to be Seb you gave him these abilities. 1. Trick Shot, a barrel roll where Seb fires an arrow. All good, but then you said that, due to the fact that you can't accurately shoot a bow whilst rolling, 100% miss rate. In a game about Dice Rolling. No. 2. Triple Shot, Seb fires 3 arrows at once, all good. Must have 3 arrows in quiver, that sounds right. But then, you said the quiver could only hold 2 arrows. This ability, like the last one, is useless then. 3. Place Trap, Seb places a trap on the battlefield. So far, so good. But since they are invisible, he can step on them if he doesn't know where he's going. A little unfair. Then, you said Seb has short term memory loss, meaning he will always step into traps! How can you claim that, along with these other "abilities" are fair, when they are only hurting your allies more! The Cabbage, the one Cabbage, is your ally! You cannot demand a player use a character that's unplayable! Lugia, you are awesome, and if there ever comes a time I get bored, I would want to pass the torch to you. This isn't that time. And, finally...yeah, I did have your Warstaff sold on the Black Market. Sorry, ET. Time for you to go home, and think about everything. You are not the GM, and you have no rights to pass my torch. Just accept that. Is this because of the fact you "fired" me? Because in that situation, your authority is gone. If you think Nadrew will help, then please, show him this reply. Just do it. I have never met Koz before this game, IRL or otherwise. |
No turn passes...
(No roll, with ET was doing, he deserves the Cabbage Army he's banging on about. I originally got a 2, and then a 1, but with ET making a fuss about him not being in charge, and him attacking his allies, and giving his allies poor powers, do you really think I wouldn't cut you some slack? This is the only favor I'm doing for you, though, okay? Any more bad rolls, and you're crap outta luck.) A giant Cabbage appears, (3) It takes a bit of damage from the Cabbage Extinction, but manages to survive. Giant Cabbage HP: 100/300 (Anti-Godmodder) |
Konlet at least attempts to switch it out, (1 v 6) and not only does it not work, it causes the extinction of every version of a cabbage from BYOND games, EXCEPT Kozuma's Summoning Cabbage.
Speaking of the S-Cabbage, it and Pinkie Pie do a tag team move of Deadpool, Pinkie firing her Party Cannon, and the S-Cabbage stabbing Wade with his sword that allegedly came from hyperspace. (2 v 4) (5 v 5) The S-Cabbage misses by a long shot, and Deadpool would have countered the attack, if not for Pinkie. Pinkie and Wade dodge eachother's attacks, leaving no wounds.
All 4 groups of minions attempt to get Sebastian Swiftbow to help out the AG (Anti-Godmodders) (5) Sebastian accepts their offer, and regroups over at the AG.
Meanwhile, the 2 roller minions go after the Cluwne, (3 v 2) and manage to disarm the big Nexian Warstaff. The Cluwne no longer has a Green Glow, and his mask returns to normal. The now normal SS13 Clown runs away from the fight, possibly to bring Acidic Bacon Creepy Puppet back to said fight.
The Nazi Scientists experiment on the Sleep Disorder patients, (4) but need 2 turns to fully decode their findings.
Sebastian Swiftbow fires an arrow at Deadpool. (1) He shoots himself in the foot. Dang.
The Godmodder flies above the arena, and summons the Tsar Bomba to fire at the Minion Teams! (6) It hits all of them, and gives a +3 roll modifier for the damage done!
(6+3) The Roller Minions are disintegrated!
(5+3) The Super Minions become nothing more then charred skeletons!
The Modifier runs out!
(2) The Caster Minions lose 2 people!
(2) The Melee Minions lose 2 people!
Deadpool does no action, he's awestruck at the Tsar Bomba explosion. "What!" I mean, he tries to attack Pinkie again, this time with his M9s (1 v 6) He gets punched in the face, and Pinkie gets +2 to her Counter Attack! (4+2 v 2) Pinkie fires her Party Cannon, firing a cake...straight through Deadpool's chest. "F**k, that was lucky" he says before collapsing, the Merc with the Mouth is dead...
Suddenly, Deadpool's corpse stands up, his suit turning black, and his eyes turning purple. As the Corpse stands up, it speaks. "Hello, there. Seems like today is not a good day."
Godmodder HP: 49/50
Deadpool's Cork9-223...
The Operator/The Glitch's HP: 4,223/4,223 (Anti-All, Chaotic Neutral)
Melee Minion HP: 13/15 (Anti-Godmodder)
Caster Minion HP: 12/14 (Anti-Godmodder)
Nazi Scientists HP: 25/25 (Anti-Godmodder)
Sleep Disorder Patients HP: 5/5 (Anti-Godmodder)
Pinkie Pie HP: 1,000/1,000 (Anti-Godmodder)
Sebastian Swiftbow HP: 800/900 (Anti-Godmodder)
The S-Cabbage: 225/3,000 (Anti-Godmodder)