var/turf/T = M
del src
else if(istype(M,/obj/))
del src
if(src.owner ==M)
var/damage = src.Nin
s_damage(M,damage, "orange")
world << "You hit <b>[M]</b> for <font color=red>[damage]</font color=red> with [name]!"
del src
Problem description: It doesn't do any copile problems and it works just fine but the problem is that it uses the src.Nin default value (mob/var) and not the current Nin that the mob has in the game..
Example: the current mob/var/Nin = 500
I made a verb that increases your src.Nin by +30
After doing this the damage the projectile deals is still 500.. instead of 530
Tried using usr.Nin instead of src.Nin but it gives an In game error and says Cannot read usr=0 or something like that..
Also tried doing a proc for the damage but nothing =/ Any help would be appreciated
src would be the object itself while owner.Nin is the object's owner's variable of Nin