Update(F as file)
set category="Admin"
world << "<font color=red>Update Info:<font color=white> Game is being updated...20 seconds until <b>REBOOT!</b>"
shell("Dragons of the Balls")
Problem description:
I've tried multiple forms of this one code from "shell("DreamMaker World"), without the shell proc, fcopy_rscC().
I even had my host switch to Trusted Mode.
i just cant seem to find a working way to update my game's dmb/rsc while the game is online and running.
Can someone please help?
You then make a symbolic link, called Game\Hosting\current, and point it to Game\Hosting\a, and run dreamdaemon via the current folder. You then update to the Game\Hosting\b folder, then delete the Game\Hosting\current symbolic link and make a new one pointing to the Game\Hosting\b.
On restart, byond will re-read the files but since the symbolic link changed locations that it points to, it reads the new version.
on the next update, you do the same, but swap a and b.