This question is a little deeper and I want you to actually think about this. Imagine a situation where hundreds of people(not including yourself) are going to die - some loved ones, some bad people and some good people, but most of them are strangers.
Now, if you knew how to save everyone from dying but it would cost you your own life, would you be able to make that decision or no? I want your honest answers - remember the poll is anonymous!
I'd hesitate, but for most situations I think I'd be able to sacrifice myself if it meant saving people I care about or know are good people.
Oct 28 2015, 10:10 pm
This one is very easy.
There is not a single person in this world I would die for outside of my Mother and Father, and I can't even die for them because they have told me repeatedly that nothing would cause them greater pain than having to bury their son so me saving them would not bring them happiness. So if I cannot save the hundreds of people without killing myself, those hundreds of people, including my only two loved ones, would just have to die. |
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
This one is very easy. I'm guessing you don't have kids. |
id let my parents die bcuz i hate them and id let anyone else die no problem. party at my place when my disgraceful folks drop dead
In response to Flick
Flick wrote:
EmpirezTeam wrote: Nope, and I hope I never do. |
For the low, low price of only 500 million lives, you too can enjoy world peace!
I would only be willing to give my life for other good, pure souls. You would have to be someone who knows and identifies with the Universal Consciousness and Love (commonly referred to as God), or is making a conscious and true effort to better yourself and get to that point.
If you do the opposite and indulge in negativity or evil of any sort, then I would not be willing to waste God's kindness to extend your stay, as you would not pay it forward and would contribute nothing to your peers or fellow man.
Now if you were willing to make a sincere change, it'd be a different story. But I think the truth of it is, is that it would likely be a split-decision scenario and you would have minimal time to consider these things. In that case, I would do it with no hesitation, because if I were in that situation, then I would know I was put in that position for a reason.