While it's definitely a good idea and all to have a team for maximum quality by letting each person do what they're good at, it is entirely possible for some people to solo a project in decent time. Heck, for some people, like myself, it's almost a requirement.
I don't go around saying "No I can't share my precious concepts!" or anything, I share them A LOT, but I am the kind of person who tends to be a mild control freak when it comes to said ideas. I get a vision in my head, and if anything doesn't match that vision I go ballistic, though I don't exactly want to. Not to mention, a game doesn't even have to have every last detail in good quality. A game can get away with one or two low-quality features if it's implemented properly. Such as "retro" music; which by today's standards, sucks big time. (My opinion; current standards are a load of bull, but whatever) Long, off-topic story short; People should choose whatever works for them. Teamwork for quality, or Solo for precision. In all honesty, however, I recommend sticking to a team unless you're at least "Average" in most of the required skills for making a game. |
Two things:
1. Music has very little bearing on the quality of a game and isn't generally considered an essential feature. 2. "Retro" music is not low quality. While the instruments and synthesizers are much simpler than standar today, the quality of music comes from the consistency of sound and the strength of the overall composition, meaning even lower quality sounds and wavetavles can produce beautiful music. That's why people still use soundfonts for indie games, because it helps them focus on the composition and arrangement rather than taking days on sound design, mixing and mastering. |
I simply meant it as an example, though I may have been misguided in my thinking. My point about either tactic being viable, and required on a per-person basis, however, still stands.
GreyRifterRellik wrote:
I don't go around saying "No I can't share my precious concepts!" or anything, I share them A LOT, but I am the kind of person who tends to be a mild control freak when it comes to said ideas. I get a vision in my head, and if anything doesn't match that vision I go ballistic, though I don't exactly want to. This is exactly why those "everyone needs to come together to make one really good BYOND game" threads need to be closed on sight. It'll never happen for this reason. Everybody involved will have their own opinion as to what the ideal BYOND game should look and play like. In order for that project to work, all the developers involved would have to settle on one idea that'll most likely be one they're not too fond of, and unless you like what you're working on, your performance is going to suffer. In other words, everyone is going to quit the project due to a lack of enthusiasm because unless someone apart of that group is willing to fork over cash to the team to keep them somewhat motivated, no one is going to create something they don't want to create. |
Now, if we're talking about hiring the more experienced BYOND devs to work on a project, that might be more interesting. Hey, I'm no sellout. Money talks.
Hey, I've been taking a look at all of the classified ads so far. This post is still mostly relevant! Please stop with the crappy classified ads! I'm begging you!
#necro4life |
Necrobumping this again because they keep cropping up. Please for the love of god, someone should sticky this.
Kats wrote:
Now, if we're talking about hiring the more experienced BYOND devs to work on a project, that might be more interesting. Hey, I'm no sellout. Money talks. Man, wouldn't that be amazing? One game from BYOND gets completely massive; Lummox uses the extra money to turn BYOND into a publishing company. |
Unwanted4Murder wrote:
Kats wrote: This is something that has been brought up many times, from what I remember, in 2012. It was basically decided that it wouldn't work out, and a lot of us would end up conflicting with one another, in both power, work ethic, work flow, and taste. What really needs to happen is a lot of younger developers need to find BYOND and just start making games. A few of them will get some decent traction, but enough might just equal to that of the big "one" that people still up talk. |
Awesome post, love your writing style!
Popisfizzy is right, execution is everything. Since my early BYOND days, I've moved into entrepreneurship, and I can't help but laugh at those who try to hide their ideas like it was some kind of golden nugget. The proof? Think of the million and billionaire angel investors who could start a team tomorrow, they listen to company pitches and invest in their company - they don't "steal their ideas". Look at kickstarter. App developers on upwork. Hard work is the 'golden nugget', not your idea. |
Almost hard to believe it's been nearly 2 years. It surely doesn't feel like it.
GreatPirateEra wrote:
What drug are you on? this was posted on October 2015. It's certainly not "nearly" 2 years. Thanks. My statement still stands. |
guess my game isnt as epic as i thought :C.