- Shoot a projectile that gradually curves one direction or another, similar to what's seen here. (This is probably simple.)
- Shoot a projectile that intercepts (or passes through) a given location, curving based on a strength or gravity input. Picture something similar to this where you may have a flurry of projectiles shooting out at once to barrage a certain location from various angles. The higher the strength/gravity input, the farther out the projectiles "balloon" the angle.
If nothing else, I'd prefer help with the second bullet; the first one is likely something I can manage on my own through trial and error.
Any help is appreciated.
Situation 2:
Situation 1 is easy enough. How my projectile library handles this in rough pseudocode:
For situation 2, I'd actually not recommend at all creating a parabola to move along, but rather tracking to a particular target every step during the fire. Set a turn rate limitation, then turn the projectile toward the target based on the minimum turn rate. Cock out the initial firing angle by a particular angle, and then allow the target to home towards to the target location with a very limited turn rate.
Figuring out the turn rate is determined by:
twice the absolute value of the offset angle in degrees divided by the Length of the parabola segment divided by the speed of the projectile
OA / PL / S
Figuring out the length of the parabola involves integral calculus. Kaiochao needs to take over from here, because he's asian.