The feeling is mutual, Gateway.
Still waiting on some hard evidence, though.
Kumorii wrote: So about those heartbreaking audio clips of people calling their families from the third plane..? Speaking of the third plane (full of passengers that died also, get your facts straight), or was heading for the white house. What was the intent here? I can keep poking holes until you run out of things to grasp at. |
@Kumorii: Galactic Soldier is pulling your leg. He's a lot of things, but stupid enough to believe what he's peddling? Most likely not.
He gets his rocks off by getting people worked up and stirring drama. It's what he's done since his first ban round these parts. |
you mean the plane that crashed out in the field and no bodies or anything of that nature were recovered (except maybe terrorist ids, according to gov't e.e) and how they made a whole movie out of it off of 0 accounts of evidence?
i didnt realize you were such a firm believer in hollywood edit: by the way, those phone calls you're talking about are from familys/friends calling their loved ones that were in the building, not the plane Ter13 wrote: @Kumorii: Galactic Soldier is pulling your leg. He's a lot of things, but stupid enough to believe what he's peddling? Most likely not. i believe everything i say... what you're doing is going off-topic to insult me. there's nothing stupid about believing that 9/11 was an inside operation |
GatewayRa wrote:
you didn't watch the video. hard evidence wont persuade anyone this close minded Except some nutjobs youtube video isn't hard evidence. Lol |
You know, there's not actually any evidence the towers collapsed either. Just a bunch of Hollywood video editing and paid shills imo. Wake up, sheeple!!
Popisfizzy wrote:
You know, there's not actually any evidence the towers collapsed either. Just a bunch of Hollywood video editing and paid shills imo. Wake up, sheeple!! never said that. the towers obviously collapsed down parallel, the same way demolitions are done about. stop patronizing me |
GatewayRa wrote:
never said that. the towers obviously collapsed down parallel, the same way demolitions are done about. believing the official story smh... |
GatewayRa wrote:
Yeah, and I saw news reports of aliens over New York, LA, and DC in Independence Day, so clearly news reports can't be made up! I guess you student a sheeple, just a gulli-bull!! |
yeah i totally forgot that real reporters can be mapped into a simulator that'll be displayed that realistically and be programmed to read a script
21st century voice synthesizers yo |
Because no reporter could ever be paid to fake a report ever!
Popisfizzy wrote:
Because no reporter could ever be paid to fake a report ever! and why would they want to risk being cut off from government funding? lol... they were legitimately confused why there was no evidence of a plane and why there was no fire at the crash. a lot of them were raided for this nowadays they wait for a script from the press youre trying to dismiss it as conspiracy, i get it... a lot of people want to have faith in their government and want to believe a magical leprechaun pulled a heist to get their gold back and left tungsten in its place |
GatewayRa wrote:
they were legitimately confused why there was no evidence of a plane and why there was no fire at the crash. a lot of them were raided for this Of course there wasn't a plane, you sheeple! They were paid by the government to say that to set up the "9/11 was an inside job" movement so no one would believe it when they were told the Ground Zero "cleanup" was just a cover for for the traditional demolition of the Twin Towers |
The fist video I posted, which was removed by an unknown but highly suspect moderator, wasn't "a youtube nutjob", it was testimony from experts in the fields of architecture, demolition, physics, engineering and the like, and their opinions regarding the events on that day. It is damning evidence. This topic's video clearly and coherently demonstrates much of the physical evidence seen in key moments of the collapse.
We don't have to explain who did the deed, or why. You have to explain why the official story is correct, something that nobody has ever done, in light of this evidence. Our government fails to do this. News agencies fail to do this. Scholars fail to do this. So what is left for it but to rant and rave in every nook and cranny until someone SOMEWHERE finally listens and looks and gets upset and does what we all know needs to be done? The only people here who seem to have anything worthwhile to say are GatewayRa and Kumorii. The rest of you aren't being serious, and nothing you've said is worth considering. If you have something constructive to add, please do, otherwise, piss off. Your trollish attempts to derail this topic haven't gone unnoticed. *Mods may benefit from the knowledge that threads can be pruned instead of closed* But whatever. BYOND is the densest place I've ever seen when it comes to this topic. It's really astounding how thick you all are about this. It's well beyond obvious at this point. It's criminal that nothing is being done, and I question the morals of those who still choose to believe the obvious lies we've been told time and time again. |
Kumorii wrote:
9/11 - turning normal people into demolition experts for 14 years. To be fair, Xooxer has shown me the Demolition Degree he earned from YouTube University during a Skype session. He's the real deal, I'm telling you. But whatever. You're freaking dense, Kumo. And thick, too. Where is yo morals at? |
to further militarization of the US and to further their intelligence agencies + destabilizing the middle east
Kumorii wrote:
sorry, but there wasn't any proof of witness accounts of people that lost their loved ones on the planes, only the ones that died in the buildings