Hello, byonders. I'm Oral123 or should I say Oral Gordon and I'm here to ask for any support you can offer me. I'm launching a new fitness YouTube channel named OG Fitness. I'm a 19 year old guy who's been training for a year and a half now and I beleive in fitness. Fitness is my passion I would like to help inspire people about living a healthy lifestyle and show others how to properly train as well as provide some entertainment! I will be launching the channel on November 1st, 2015. I would appreciate it if you would like, subscribe, comment, and share if you can!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UC8_5qHj4VcLIT-onLfRWT5A?view_as=subscriber
Apperantly I need 500 subscribers for me to have a custom URL such as "youtube.com/ogfitness" . Thank you in advance for anyone who would like to support me!
Here are a few pictures
Also, if anyone knows of or is a Graphic designer capable of creating animated video intros and logo designs please contact me through
[email protected] or just page me.