![]() Oct 18 2015, 6:41 am
when i use dream deamon to host it says players can join and when my bro try join it says connection failed and other players can join,he can join other games and it load but when he try to join mind it keep saying connect failed anyone know why?
![]() Oct 18 2015, 10:47 am
The game likely has disallowed two keys to join from the same IP Address.
If you haven't got it working yet... If he is on the same network you have to put in the ip address of the one hosting the game plus the port. you will not be able to just click the game on the BYOND website or pager.. For example : is the ip address of the computer that is hosting the game , and 2785 is the port. So... byond:// ... What i do is use the pager to login to the games I host on my home network. You would go to the gyro on the right corner of the pager and go to open location and put that in the first field and click OK. I recommend saving it as a bookmark for easy access if you are going to use the same port all the time.
P.S. Not the external IP but the IP4 Address for the Host computer. Any questions ask me. |
Let me clarify what kidman90 just said since he used some techy terms like external ip address and ip4 address
Computers connected to the internet generally have two ips (more actually, but thats not relevant to this discussion) One is the computer's local network ip, this ip only exists on your home network, and generally each home network uses the same range of local ips, 192.168.0-1.2-254. By local network, i mean computers connected to the same router, be it over wifi or cable. (this is call a LAN (Local area network)) this is called the LAN IP address Then they have an internet ip. Usually all computers on the same LAN, share 1 internet ip. The router is in charge of mapping connections to computers. (as an aside, this is why you have to setup port forwarding, because unless your computer starts the connection, the router has no way of knowing what computer to send the incoming data to) The ip byond shows you is your internet ip, but there is only one issue, a lot of routers aren't smart enough to see a connection going outbounds to the internet, notice it's internet ip of the network, and redirect it back inwards (even if you have port forwarding setup). it just sees outgoing traffic and sends it down your internet pipe, then you isp's router sees the data is marked to go to your internet ip, and goes "wait a minute, this is earmarked for the same address it was sent from, that seems silly, it must be a mistake" and bounces it back to your router with an error flag on it, or flat out ignores the data chunk and doesn't it pass it on. So if you want to connect from the same network, you have to use your local ip address or buy a better router. Another option, is to use your computer's name. If both computers set the connection type to work or private (you can see and change this in network and sharing center) then windows will contact other windows computers on your lan, and exchange names and local ip address. you can see the name by hitting windows key + pause break or going to control panel and opening system. My laptop is named drunkdriver, so if i want to connect to a byond hosted game on it, that is running on port 31337, i could try to connect to byond://drunkdriver:31337 and it would work. |