Just a video for any aspiring developers looking to create a MOBA. You know you've achieved perfect balance when this happens in your game:


Another reason why i don't play mobas.
1v1 me in bloodborne D:!!!
Yeah, and the sad part is we warned Riot this would happen. Problem is mostly juggernaut changes came with the items. If they came out separately they could've been balanced appropriately. But I can play Garen and literally 1v3 fed carries.
meanwhile they dont buff my bae but have the nerve to release a new skin for him

its okay kassadin, one day you shall be restored to your former glory. and on that day, the balance of power will be preserved utterly thrown out the window.
You could say that I'm a bit... Vi-sexual...

And on the actual subject, I think balancing becomes less and issue when you're simply willing to rotate the meta. Buffs here, nerfs there, only superficially worrying about any one character being hyper-OP or UP and dealing with it accordingly, but overall just making sure the meta is constantly changed up can provide a bit of an interesting mix, even if it's sub-optimal.

If you look at other competitive games, you see this a lot in TCG's. Cards get added in a new set, similar to new characters added in a MOBA, banlists are adjusted each season, similar to major nerfs, buffs and reworks in MOBA's, and some cards and sets gain more favor and push others out of the meta, just like in MOBA's.

The balance comes less from every character or card being perfectly balanced between its utility and cost, but that everyone jumps on the new set, works it into their play style, adapts and evolves to the newest and shiniest cards out.

hes not god tier yet but getting fed by your lane opponent actually means something now whereas before you could get 3 or 4 kills laning phase and still have no impact going into mid game.
In response to EmpirezTeam
Yeah, new masteries are total BS. And I love it. Especially Grasp of the Undying.
In response to Lugia319
Lugia319 wrote:
Yeah, new masteries are total BS. And I love it. Especially Grasp of the Undying.

have you tried rageblade yet? :D
In response to EmpirezTeam
Oh yeah. Kayle top is back bby. Jungle Yi is seriously OP too.
They changed Fiora?
Yep. Her rework makes her most effective against opponents who don't know her mechanics, but countering a lot of her damage is pretty easy if you know how she operates.
There goes one of the four or five champions I liked.
In response to NNAAAAHH
What're you talking about? Nobody likes Fiora. Lol
Fiora seeks a worzay apponet.

I got a worthy opponent for her if you catch my drift.

I'd listen to one of her lectures any day. And stay after school for extra credit.
In response to EmpirezTeam
Your sword probably doesn't have enough reach to make you a worthy opponent.
But Darius is and was perfectly balanced, even during worlds...

People flat out got trashed for picking him, aside from the one or two rare cases where they got easy matchups, and once people started picking Riven and Fiora more often, Darius couldn't do anything and was forgotten.
Exactly, Darius was perfectly fine. Is he ALITTLE overtuned? Yeah maybe, But he was counterable to the point where teams after groups were like.."Maybe this champion isn't the freelo we need".

The first Darius penta wasn't even Darius being good or op? It was literally his team setting up balls to do that because the enemy team just couldn't stop him after the initial fight broke out.

The second Penta, by Soaz. That was just a clear view of someone that understands the champion very well, He kited with his Q VERY well. And knew his damage, That isn't something to just throw a "He's so op, please nerf fuck riot balance."

The only champions that were "broken" were Morde / GP. That's why they were either pick or banned(And mostly banned). There were champions that were very strong, but it most definitely wasn't Darius.

In response to Kinotori
Kinotori wrote:
The only champions that were "broken" were Morde / GP. That's why they were either pick or banned(And mostly banned). There were champions that were very strong, but it most definitely wasn't Darius.

Ahh yes. Morde and GP. The only two champions to ever enter a game on opposite sides, both with 100% winrates, and manage to leave with 100% winrate.
Darius is one of those champs who is a complete nightmare to low-skill players. He's a cheese champ at lower elo, but higher tiers know how to easily shut him down. Master Yi is another example of these "Bronze God" type of champions.

Darius has a great early game and a lot of lower elo players don't know how to play passively or defensively, so they stay aggressive, trying to shut them down early and end up getting fed on, allowing them to snowball the way they do.

99% of those cheese champs are hardcore item-dependent, so as long as they're denied feed, they're useless.

I honestly feel like that people who can master the art of "playing like a bitch" would be able to easily climb to at least Gold by doing nothing but taking advantage of your opponent's aggression and subsequent stupidity.

Champions like Morgana are considered OP only because their builds aren't item-dependent at all. She's an example of someone who is relevant no matter how fed-on she is. Let's be honest, anyone with a 4.5 second stun is going to be really scary to deal with no matter how bad they're doing.

With that being said, banning champions like Darius and Fiora in lower elo is a very good idea because while you may know how to deal with them in lane and deny them farm and feed, most players do not and will allow them to snowball into unstoppable pentakill monsters.
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