I've made the fourth update to the game since its official 2.0 release, hence the 2.0.4 yeah you can see where I'm going with this.
Regardless, this is the first one of particular note, the first two being largely fixes and some tank additions. I'm thinking I'll do another video with the 2.0.5 update, which is where I want to allow the AI nation to be selectable for hosts.
So whats in the game? Well for a start, I managed to get 4 Tankette units out of what I originally only intended to be 1 or 2! so the UK tank tree continues to get fleshed out quite strongly. The German Tree has also been updated so its not so barebones. There is a swab of bug fixes and cleanups which hopefully gives the 2.0 look a more polished feel. The 2.0.3 and 4 updates largely focus on Trade with the number of tradeships built from Ports now docked to 2 rather than 10, but with research that increases by a further 2 up till 12. Coal now has research too, more importantly it allows it to be produced from alternative buildings. Currently you require forests for coal, the new research allows a forest upgrade, metalmine and two further upgrades, and even a sea tile version for blank sea tiles (similar to your fishing tiles with ports).
Other Trade changes includes the switching around of passive trading boxes and exporting. Exports can now be done from the trade window and the passive trading, which got a few people in a bit of a mess; is now hidden in the Revenue and Customs Screen. Passive trading now gives some better payouts, and food is not drained so easily.
Graphically there is a few more changes, buildings now show an X when you haven't reached the tech year, showing what buildings you have to come. In addition, Mountain terrain has a new farm image, and Arid a new Forest image, giving a slight variance similar to the 1.final building styles choice previously given to players. Tech increases has also been better balanced, and research bonuses are stronger in longer games.
Bug Fixes:
* Battle System
+ Fixed an issue with one of the Tank types.
+ Germany did not appear to correctly get the A1E1 Independent Tank.
* New Game
+ Fixed a potential issue where sometimes a nation is created with a weirded randomised land which cannot be edited.
* Interface
+ Undocking the map should now move the selector box in a way that it doesn't stretch.
* Units
+ It now labels blackouts as a reason for not being able to buy units, before it would simply say your factories couldn't handle the production.
* Interface
+ Some small tidying up of the map hud.
+ Research and Development Department should reload when its open at the end of research. Also plays a sound.
+ Similar thing should happen when a unit is researched with the unit menu up. Also plays a sound.
New Units
* United Kingdom
+ Morris Martel is a 1925 start to the Tankette class, while the UK is the only one who receives this unit, many countries get one of the successors for this.
+ Carden Loyd Mark 1 is a 1927 upgrade to the Morris Martel, it stays UK exclusive.
+ Carden Loyd Mark 4 is a 1928 upgrade to the above. It will eventually be used in some more obscure national units, but not the main ones.
+ Carden Loyd Mark 6 is a 1929 upgrade to the above. Used for a few countries which then develop Tankettes/Light Tanks.
* Russian Federation
+ The Russians get the Carden Loyd Mark 6 in 1930, it will spring the Light tank development for the light T class Soviet Tanks.
* Italy
+ The Italians also get the Carden Loyd Mark 6 in 1929, it springs the Italian homegrown Tankette development.
Bug Fixes:
* New Game
+ Previous claim of bug fix didn't actually work, now fixed.
New Units
* Germany
+ K-Wagen is a 1919 upgrade to the 1918 A7V.
+ Mark IV is now available for the Germans (as they knicked some and repurposed it in 1917).
+ Whippet tank is also available in 1918 as an 'upgrade' to the Mark IV.
Bug Fixes:
* German Units
+ Poor execution of German units meant icons in wrong place, some not appearing at all, fixed.
* Trade:
+ Passive trading now has the following changes:
- Wood is now worth 2 cash each (was 1)
- Coal is now worth 3 cash each (was 2)
- Metal is now worth 5 cash each (was 3)
- Oil is now worth 10 cash each (was 5)
New Features:
* Trade
+ You can now update the 'Trireme' tradeship to a Cog at the year 940+, which increases the available tonnage to trade.
Bug Fixes:
* Research
+ Lookout lv2 would not research properly because it was linked to Uranium research.
+ Assembly line lv2 would not research properly because it was linked to Power conservation.
+ Fixed a bug which led to the 4th and 9th researches in Food, Wood and Metal to fail to initiate.
+ It was impossible to research Trade ship upgrades before 1741, fixed.
* Messages
+ All messages and references to turns should now be in full numbers with commas, for easier understanding.
+ Many of the host options will give the current value as the entry already in the box instead of set numbers previously.
+ It is now listed that the absolute lowest recommendation for starting year is 1500. It is recommended that 1700 or higher is used for a reasonable game.
+ As a result of changing food wood and metal research, their individual names now pop up correctly everywhere.
+ Slight change to the layout of Department of Manufacturing.
* Terrain
+ Arid was found to be a bit too harsh, so I've reduced the penalty for food and wood from -75% to -50%. Subscriber options still remain as penalising.
* Trade
+ Passive trading is now inbedded into the trade department to avoid being so easily clicked in early games.
+ When someone puts something up on the world market the list will auto update, and should now update every turn.
+ Export options is now where passive trading was so its not so annoying.
+ Further Passive trading changes:
- Food now transports at 0.01 kt per 'ton' instead of 0.1. A single 10 ton ship should make 10 cash selling 0.1 food.
- Wood is now worth 3 cash each.
- Coal is now worth 5 cash each.
- Metal is now worth 10 cash each.
- Oil is now worth 20 cash each.
+ Each port now only supports 2 ships instead of 10. This should make passive trading a little easier to manage early on, and also will increase with further research.
+ A Trading ship automatically spent 100 wood on all types of ship regardless of research. It now costs 100 wood per upgrade, so a Fluyt will now cost 500 wood.
* Research
+ Technology Year increases three times faster in a server with no end turn (the endless game).
+ Department for Research and Development now updates correctly and re-opens research that other countries may have got when you spied on them.
+ The research names are now listed for resources and not just their generic resource name.
+ Military Unit research before 1741 now requires at least one research centre. Previously pre-1741 military research required no buildings.
* Attacks
+ The minimum year for using oil for attack has been reduced from 1910 to 1900.
New Features:
* Departments
+ There is now a Coal section in the Manufacturing Department.
* Buildings
+ The game now displays where locked buildings WILL be in the future, as well as when, though doesn't give away what it will be.
+ Different Farm image for Mountain and Swarm terrain.
+ Different Forest image for Arid and Swarm terrain.
* Research
+ The tech bonus from researching is now reflected better in regards to the number of turns. An unlimited / 100,000+ turn game will now see double the bonus provided by research.
+ New research for coal: This opens up the option of upgrading forest coal, opening metalmine and sea tile coal, and finally upgrading metalmine coal twice more.
- Bell Pit (Year -1000) the first option doubles the output of Forest coal.
- Room and Pillar (Year 1150) second research opens up coal from metal mines.
- Moat Pit (Year 1575) third research opens up coal from unused sea tiles.
- Industrial Revolution (Year 1760) fourth research doubles metal mine output.
- Coal Cutters (Year 1880) last research triples metal mine output.
+ New research for Trading, 5 levels at -2600, -247, 984, 1886 and 1951; increases the new 2 ship per-port limit by a further 2 each level, to a maximum of 12.
* Trade
+ You can now update the 'Trireme' tradeship to a inbetween option of the Knarr at 800+, the Cog added in the previous version is now the 2nd upgrade.
+ You can now upgrade the Cog tradeship to a Trabaccolo in 1450+.
+ You can now upgrade the Trabaccolo tradeship to the Fluyt in 1580+