I required a proc that did exactly this, but with more flexibility and simplicity than existing resources (namely Lugia319's BoundAlign()). There may be others looking for something similar, so I figured I'd share.

proc/bounds_align(atom/movable/ref, atom/movable/trg, dir = SOUTH, offset = 0)
if(!ref || !trg) return

// save this incase the movement jump fails.
var turf/old_loc = ref.loc

// if the movement is successful, we want to let
// the atoms in ref's old location know.
var list/old_bounds = bounds(ref)

// Move() performs a jump if the distance traveled is
// greater than ref's step_size or world.icon_size (whichever's larger),
// and the target location is on the same z plane.
// For the best results, forcing a jump is necessary.
ref.loc = locate(1, 1, 1)

var move_x = (dir & (EAST | WEST)) ? (dir & EAST) ? (trg.step_x + ref.bound_width + offset) : (trg.step_x - ref.bound_width - offset) : (trg.step_x)
var move_y = (dir & (NORTH | SOUTH)) ? (dir & NORTH) ? (trg.step_y + ref.bound_height + offset) : (trg.step_y - ref.bound_height - offset) : (trg.step_y)
. = ref.Move(trg.loc, ref.dir, move_x, move_y)

var atom/movable/a
for(a in old_bounds)


ref.loc = old_loc

Here's numbers from Dream Daemon's Profiler for those interested:

Edit (05.17.16): Fixed an oversight in the offset calculation that could cause incorrect results at times. Also modified the proc to take a single 'offset' value as opposed to an offset for x and y.
Is the switch() truly any faster than using bitflags? Seems like using the dirs as bitflags would be the easier option.
In response to Lummox JR

Seemed to make a slight difference (old on top, new on bottom).

I went ahead and updated the OP though. I would have had that initially, but I started with a different method and changed halfway through, so the switch() basically slipped through.