If you were cloned, would you have INTERCOURSE with your clone? Its for a class survey, we pick a question and ask 20 people. I figured this was the easiest way. So yeah, Intercourse with your clone? [Y/N]
Maybe if my clone was a cute girl, but otherwise, no. Of course, if that were they case, it wouldn't really be a clone of me, now would it. ;P
N, that's like incest...or...having sex with yourself. Ew.
That is one of the sickest questions I have heard. And no, thats gay and incest.

The clone would also be a baby at first, so that'd be gay incest child molestation.
Why the hell would you clone yourself to do it with yourself, that is nasty as hell.

Y for yay.
I'd have my clone give me a blowjob, so pretty much yes.
No. Unless I could alter this 'clone' to make it some extremely hot specimen of the opposite sex, then I might.
Yes if I were gay/bisexual, so no.


In fact, now that I think about it a bit more, simply no.
Ok, so far 7 for No. And an amazing 4 for yes! Need 9 more voters =P
So we know everyone who said yes is a gay pedophile who is into incest.
yeah 'cause all gay people are also incestuous

although to be honest most of the danger of reproducing and having your genome screwed up isn't present but still, gross.
All gays are incest? Thats not very nice at all.....
I don't know about guys, but I just see having sex with a clone of myself as like. An extension of masturbation. Except now there's more choices. But hey, my opinion. And.

So we know everyone who said yes is a gay pedophile who is into incest.

Pedophilia =/= homosexuality and sex with yourself, but you go right ahead and be bias.
Zenigs right, Technically its Masturbation.
Zenig wrote:
">So we know everyone who said yes is a gay pedophile who is into incest

Pedophilia =/= homosexuality and sex with yourself, but you go right ahead and be bias."

I wrote:
"The clone would also be a baby at first, so that'd be gay incest child molestation."
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