Sep 22 2006, 4:58 pm
If you were cloned, would you have INTERCOURSE with your clone? Its for a class survey, we pick a question and ask 20 people. I figured this was the easiest way. So yeah, Intercourse with your clone? [Y/N]
That is one of the sickest questions I have heard. And no, thats gay and incest.
The clone would also be a baby at first, so that'd be gay incest child molestation. |
Why the hell would you clone yourself to do it with yourself, that is nasty as hell. ~Link~ |
No. Unless I could alter this 'clone' to make it some extremely hot specimen of the opposite sex, then I might.
Yes if I were gay/bisexual, so no.
*Edit* In fact, now that I think about it a bit more, simply no. |
yeah 'cause all gay people are also incestuous
although to be honest most of the danger of reproducing and having your genome screwed up isn't present but still, gross. |
I don't know about guys, but I just see having sex with a clone of myself as like. An extension of masturbation. Except now there's more choices. But hey, my opinion. And.
So we know everyone who said yes is a gay pedophile who is into incest. Pedophilia =/= homosexuality and sex with yourself, but you go right ahead and be bias. |
Maybe if my clone was a cute girl, but otherwise, no. Of course, if that were they case, it wouldn't really be a clone of me, now would it. ;P