Well, it's finally here. The Beta Version of Everyone's favorite Blob RPG has arrived and is available for your downloading pleasure! Here's the link, and enjoy!
Seems like a fun game. Are there any plans for a multi-player or pvp arena version?
It's very fun, love the narration.

Unfortunately other players can't log in to ?observe?

They get this runny.
runtime error: Cannot execute null.IsByondMember().
proc name: Login (/mob/PC/Login)
usr: Supa Sexy Hispanic (/mob/PC)
src: Supa Sexy Hispanic (/mob/PC)
call stack:
Supa Sexy Hispanic (/mob/PC): Login()
There're no multiplayer plans any time soon, but I might work on allowing an observer. Thanks for the runtime report.
Pfft, I have not been released, thank you very much!