//Title: Nearest Value in List Snippet
//Credit to: Jtgibson
//Contributed by: Jtgibson

//This snippet takes a number and finds the value in the
// list that is closest to it.

//Note: in cases where a number is exactly between two entries, the
// last entry is the one returned as closer.

proc/near(num, list/L)
if(!num || !L || !L.len) return null

var/closest = null

for(var/i = 1, i <= L.len, i++)
if(closest == null || ((abs(L[i] - num) + 1) <= (abs(closest - num) + 1)))
closest = L[i]

return closest

//Testing code/sample implementation:

var/list/numbers = list(1,2,5,10,20,25,30,40,50,60,70,75,80,85,90,100)

usr << "Nearest to 7: [near(7, numbers)]"
usr << "Nearest to 39: [near(39, numbers)]"
usr << "Nearest to 88: [near(88, numbers)]"
usr << "Nearest to 74: [near(74, numbers)]"
usr << "Nearest to 95: [near(95, numbers)]"
