//Title: Line Calculation
//Credit to: Jtgibson
//Contributed by: Jtgibson
//This returns a precise list of turfs in a near-perfect
// line from point A to point B. The turfs are presented
// in order of distance, so they can be used to follow a
// path.
proc/get_line(atom/A, atom/B)
var/x_dif = B.x - A.x
var/y_dif = B.y - A.y
if(A.z != B.z) return(list())
if(!A.loc || !B.loc) return(list())
if(!x_dif && !y_dif) return(list(A.loc)) //prevent divide by zero errors
if(abs(x_dif) > abs(y_dif)) //horizontal-tending line
var/y_offset = y_dif/abs(x_dif)
var/list/line = list()
for(var/x_offset = 0, abs(x_offset) <= abs(x_dif),)
var/x_pos = A.x + x_offset
var/y_pos = A.y + (abs(x_offset)*y_offset)
var/turf/T = locate(x_pos, y_pos, A.z)
line += T
if(x_dif < 0) x_offset--
else x_offset++
else if(abs(y_dif) > abs(x_dif)) //vertical-tending line
var/x_offset = x_dif/abs(y_dif)
var/list/line = list()
for(var/y_offset = 0, abs(y_offset) <= abs(y_dif),)
var/x_pos = A.x + (abs(y_offset)*x_offset)
var/y_pos = A.y + y_offset
var/turf/T = locate(x_pos, y_pos, A.z)
line += T
if(y_dif < 0) y_offset--
else y_offset++
else //diagonal line
var/dir = get_dir(A,B)
if(dir&NORTH) y_offset = 1
else y_offset = -1
if(dir&EAST) x_offset = 1
else x_offset = -1
var/list/line = list()
for(var/position = 0, position <= abs(x_dif), position++)
var/x_pos = A.x + (position*x_offset)
var/y_pos = A.y + (position*y_offset)
var/turf/T = locate(x_pos, y_pos, A.z)
line += T
Nov 21 2006, 7:24 am
Apr 10 2007, 10:08 am (Edited on May 2 2007, 10:59 am)
A little late but this one will draw a line more accurate that bends properly. I believe it is faster also.