//Title: Object Duplication
//Credit to: Jtgibson
//Contributed by: Jtgibson

//This snippet will create and return an exact duplicate of
// a mob or an object.

var/datum/duplicate = new type
for(var/V in src.vars)
var/list/L = vars[V]
duplicate.vars[V] = L.Copy()
duplicate.vars[V] = vars[V]
return duplicate

var/atom/movable/duplicate = new type(src.loc)

var/list/parallel_inventory = list()
for(var/atom/movable/X in src)
var/atom/movable/duplicated_item = X.duplicate()
duplicated_item.loc = duplicate
X.loc = src
for(var/V in src.vars-"contents")
var/list/L = vars[V]
duplicate.vars[V] = L.Copy()
duplicate.vars[V] = src.vars[V]
if(src.vars[V] in src.contents)
duplicate.vars[V] = parallel_inventory[src.contents.Find(vars[V])]
return duplicate

//This supplement will determine if an object is an exact duplicate.
// Use the 'requires' and 'filters' list to determine variables
// that must match or won't be checked, respectively.
//'Requires' will check only those variables. 'Filters' will check all
// variables BUT those.
//Note that it will not check vars marked as const, tmp, or static.

atom/proc/compare(atom/checkee, list/requires, list/filters)
CRASH("Given null comparison")

if(requires && requires.len) //check to see if it matches all required vars
for(var/V in src.vars)
if(issaved(src.vars[V]) && requires.Find(V) &&(filters && !filters.Find(V)))
if(checkee.vars[V] != src.vars[V]) return 0

else if(filters && filters.len) //check to see if it matches all unfiltered vars
for(var/V in src.vars)
if(issaved(src.vars[V]) && !filters.Find(V))
if(checkee.vars[V] != src.vars[V]) return 0

for(var/V in src.vars) //check for exact match
if(checkee.vars[V] != src.vars[V]) return 0

return 1

//Testing code/sample implementation:

mob/verb/copy(obj/O in oview())
var/obj/new_obj = O.duplicate()
new_obj.loc = usr.loc
usr << "And then there were two!"

mob/verb/compare_exact_stats(mob/M in oview())
if(!, requires=list("max_HP","max_MP","str")))
usr << "You aren't exactly the same as [M] in regards to strength, HP, and MP."
usr << "You are exactly the same as [M] in regards to strength, HP, and MP!"
The parallel_inventory is very clever!

One additional problem I've run into duplicating atoms is lists. If you just set the var of the duplicate equal to the list of the original, then any modifications to the list effects both objects! Usually that is a recipe for disaster.

My own duplication proc replaces
duplicate.vars[V] = src.vars[V]

var/list/L = vars[V]
duplicate.vars[V] = L.Copy()
duplicate.vars[V] = vars[V]

to make a copy of lists.

However, any atoms in the list will still be referenced by both lists. Your parallel_inventory deals with that neatly for contents. It's hard to tell if other lists should be duplicated by reference, by Copy(), or by an atom by atom duplication. I guess a developer planning ahead for this sort of situation could design a specialized var naming scheme to denote how to deal with lists in each var.
In response to Shadowdarke
Ah, good find with regards to the list duplication. I'll make the tweak.

I agree on the list contents part -- it's impossible to tell what the developer wants. Technically speaking, a developer could always duplicate the atom and then do whatever they wanted to the lists of the new atom. =)
Just a heads-up that I fixed a teensy error. At one point or another I forgot to fix the line "issaved(V)" with "issaved(vars[V])". When I took a copy of this snippet directly from here, my code broke in a bad way. =)