//Title: Stop Sound Effects
//Credit to: Jtgibson
//Contributed by: Jtgibson
//These are a bunch of useful procs that allow you to
// stop any sound effects or MIDI playing. They allow
// you to selectively shut off the sound effects, or
// the MIDI, or both, as desired.
//Stops only the sound effects (not the MIDI music)
// being played for this mob.
if(!src.key || !src.client) return
src << sound(null, channel=1)
src << sound(null, channel=2)
src << sound(null, channel=3)
src << sound(null, channel=4)
src << sound(null, channel=5)
src << sound(null, channel=6)
src << sound(null, channel=7)
src << sound(null, channel=8)
//Stops only the MIDI music (not the sound effects)
// being played for this mob.
if(!src.key || !src.client) return
src << sound(null, channel=-1)
//Stops all MIDI and sound effects played for this mob.
if(!src.key || !src.client) return
src << sound(null)
Nov 21 2006, 7:58 am
Nov 21 2006, 7:59 am (Edited on Nov 21 2006, 8:12 am)
BYOND's recently improved sound support allows the use of more channels than the 8 standard ones. In such a case, the StopSfx() proc is not guaranteed to stop all sounds on all channels.