At least for me. I've been suffering from creativity block the past few days, and I stumbled onto this guild. I've been with BYOND for quite some time. And I've been doing pixel art for a while as well. Mostly just for pleasure, since I don't like mixing hobbies with work.

Well, for the past few days I've been trying some new things. One of which is a style based on the 2D Castlevania games.

I liked it so much that decided to use it to make a foray into something else new for me: multi-tiled icons.

Which, coupled with the Fighter Tutorial at Sprite Art, caused me to try my hand at the Street Fighter Style.

Needless to say, I got distracted by something much cooler and failed. That something cooler was the awesome, yet incredibly difficult, RPG Summon Tutorial at, once again, Sprite Art. Obviously, I just had to try it out for myself.

It's based on my drawing, which is in turn based on an amazing piece of artwork, whose owner doesn't seem to be given credited for anywhere.

It's just beginning; I'm really listening to their advice and taking as much time as possible on the silhouette of the Summon. Hopefully I won't suffer from my usual ADD and put this little project aside, as it's a great learning experience for me. I always draw by sight and I've never learned how to dither/anti-lias, all that stuff that Pixel Artists are supposed to know how to do.

Well, now you've gotten a glimpse of what I've been doing the past two days when I'm not working on Sovereign.

Good day. And Comment away.
Wow, everything is looking great. I really like the wolf though. One thing I always have trouble with is drawing animals.