Well i began them,So then i finshed the look of it and the style i wanted. So here they are the base icons i made for a DBZ game

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Shot at 2007-08-20
Nice. The funny thing I always thought in DBZ is how skinny they looked with their shirts on and how huge they looked without them. Nice capturing that look.
Hmm i wanna a iconer to my game
In response to Deepcow
Good icons dude
In response to Deepcow
Are you gonna use em on game?
In response to Deepcow
Deepcow shutup, quit begging for peoples icons.
In response to Deepcow
IM NOT GOING TO USE PPLS ICON CUZ I HAVE AN ARTIST ICONER ON MY GAME And If u are artist can u show your icons? they maybe should look Great ;)
In response to QMarkReal
Well QMarkReal Why do you have javster's base icon on your Dragonball Unreal Sagas?
In response to Deepcow
if you even ask that DON'T ASK FOR PPLS ICONS -.- i already have a iconer
In response to Deepcow
Please quit multiposting. Its better to wait for an actual reply, rather than spamming the forum with multiple posts. Theres an edit button you know; utilize it.

And you can see my icon in my display picture everytime i post. I will eventually change it and eventually post more work.
In response to Legendary Goku 10
I know Legendary Goku 10 your a Team DBO iconer im waiting for that game
In response to Deepcow
Deepcow wrote:
Well QMarkReal Why do you have javster's base icon on your Dragonball Unreal Sagas?

Because I made it for him when I was working with him? o_O