My friend and I are working on a base for our game, but we're kinda stuck in the movement part.
I don't know how to add the shading for the upper part. And i have no clue on how to do the left and right movement. Someone mind giving me a hand?
Thanks in advance.
May 9 2008, 2:56 pm (Edited on May 9 2008, 3:09 pm)
In response to Evil-D123
Lol usually stick people need more than 4 frames to get their walking right
Jordan11 wrote:
My friend and I are working on a base for our game, but we're kinda stuck in the movement part. Okay, uh, since your front view starts with the left arm, have the left arm come out, and the right leg come out. this should help. |
for a start post in Pixel WIP lol
when i do movement i show that the object it closer by how light the shade is when moving, make it alittle lighter when its closer, alittle darker when farer because bright colours stand out rather to the naked eye no? to much is bad though make sure it blends.
i like the shape, just keep tweaking it untill it looks good.
this would be the best reference to use(well not the best but best i could find on the first page of google lol)
stick man went alittle wrong but you get the idea XD