proc/enter_melee_mode_maptext(turf/effect_loc, character/ref, fade_time = 50)
//if(!ref || !ref.loc) return
var obj/o = new//shadowed_maptext(span("combat_maptext", "Stunned!")) = "maptext: entered combat"
o.loc = effect_loc
o.maptext = "maptext!"
if(ref) o.SetCenter(ref.Cx(), ref.Cy(), ref.z)
//animate(o, pixel_y = o.pixel_y + tiles(1), alpha = 0, time = fade_time)
//new/event/timed_event(fade_time, "soft_dispose", o)
o.loc = null
return 1
Alright, so garbage collection is working fine for the most part. However, the object created in the above proc causes the player's garbage collection to delay until the object itself is garbage collected. Why? What's going on here?
Here's how the proc is used:
if(!loc || !c) return
combat_sessions = list()
//queue_maptext("/proc/enter_melee_mode_maptext", params = list(loc, src))
combat_sessions += c
As you can see, nowhere in on_entered_combat() is there a stop, so I'm not understanding the behavior here. Also, combat_sessions is handled on Logout() via a cleanup proc, so that's not it.
If you're interested in the debug output I'm using:
FKI (/login_mob) deleted.
Memory leak test for the maptext: entered combat (/obj) unsuccessful, revealing 1 reference(s).
(1): loc = the grass (datum)
Memory leak test for the maptext: entered combat (/obj) unsuccessful, revealing 1 reference(s).
(1): loc = the grass (datum)
/player dispose() called (time = 48.25)
combat_session ((fki)-player vs 0x3000000) disposing.
combat_session ((fki)-player vs 0x3000000) disposed.
obj (/obj) deleted.
Memory leak test for the player (/player) successful!
obj (/obj) deleted.
obj (/obj) deleted.
Memory leak test for the maptext: entered combat (/obj) successful!
maptext: entered combat (/obj) deleted.
Memory leak test for the maptext: entered combat (/obj) successful!
maptext: entered combat (/obj) deleted.
/player del() called (time = 90.25)
player (/player) deleted.
Notice the time between the player's call to dispose() and its actual deletion is in line with the fade_time delay in the maptext proc.
Any ideas? Thanks.