This neon green really hurts my eyes. Worse than the red, personally.
It looked so cute and pretty in the poll, but after seeing an index page full of <font color="#00FF60">neon green</font>, I have to agree. It hurts. Thankfully, I can't be blamed since I did vote for Other (user-configurable). Maybe it's time to rally around that and demand a recount!
My only question... where do the chads go when you press a button on a form in a web page? In the monitor?
See what happens in a democracy? No one is happy.
Which color did you vote for? What (other) color would you find best? Maybe we _should_ go with the apparantly inoffensive "salmon".
It would only take me ten minutes to implement AMs color-picker suggestion, but I don't want to do it as a matter of principle-- if people aren't happy with the color for one particular element, then it's likely that the whole website color scheme is unsatisfactory for some. There has _got_ to be a compromise!