In response to Spuzzum

awww man... his is going to be better than mine... damn.. now its time for the last resort! SPACE COMBAT SYSTEM!

er... but i have no idea on how to go about codeing that.. man...

All of 'em are in a file for FaceHug. So far, the list includes (with the first appearance in parentheses):

VP70 Pistol
- A small hand weapon, weak but good enough as a last resort. (A3)

M41A Pulse Rifle
- Fires 7.62mm caseless High Explosive rounds (A2)

M41A1 Pulse Rifle Grenade Launcher Attachment
- "You don't need to know what that does." "Hey, come on, you said you'd teach me how to use this gun." Need I say more? (A2)

M41A1 Pulse Rifle (with Grenade Launcher)
- The whole kittencaboodle. Er, kit-and-caboodle. (A2)

M56 Smartgun
- The fastest assault weapon available, fires at a cyclic rate of 15000 rounds per minute. (A2)

M240 Flamethrower
- Your traditional flamethrower. (A)

M42A Scope Rifle
- An extremely accurate long-range rifle. May also tie in to the M60 sentry gun to set up remote fire. Has a built in MASAR detection system for determining hostile locations. (A3)

M4A3 Rifle
- A traditional light rifle. (A3)

VP90 Modified Rifle
- An improved version of the M4A3, with an increased range and firepower. (Didn't appear in movies, but was dealt with in comics and novels.)

M5 Rocket Launcher
- I don't think I need to explain it aside from "BOOM". (Novels and comics.)

G50 Shotgun
- A heavy takedown weapon. (Original)

M60 Sentry Gun
- The classic operator-less combat weapon. Caution must be exercised, since once something gets into its vision cone, it dies. Even faster cyclic rate-of-fire than the smartgun (20000 RPM). Manages its rate-of-fire as necessary to avoid overheating. Has limited 250 round magazine.

The shotgun is my own creation, the other ones are taken straight from the movies.

Don't forget the grenades, of course! I have those, too. Can even bounce 'em off the walls. ;-)

In response to Ebonshadow
On 6/18/01 3:02 pm Ebonshadow wrote:
On 6/16/01 7:38 pm Foomer wrote:
More SpaceTug!!! More SpaceTug!!! More SpaceTug!!!

SpaceTug, one of the saddest examples of teamwork around!

I think space tug would be awesoem if their could be more than oen alien. When I played with some other guys I always wanted to be the alien, but I was no match for all of them!

yes yes yes.. but the only problem is that if there were more than one alien then you could not go kill other aliens.. so im putting 20-100 aliens in a map at one time and you cant play as any of them (exept the alien that pops out of the queen.. lol
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