Excerpted from Space Gamer: 74, May/June 1985

Jim Simons's Random Polearm Generation Table:

Roll 3d6

3: Ox Tongue
4: Bill
5: Bill Hook
6: Glaive
7: Guisarme
8: Voulge
9: Guisarme Voulge
10: Glaive Guisarme
11: Glaive Voulge
12: Guisarme Glaive
13: Voulge Guisarme
14: Voulge Glaive
15: Glaive Glaive
16: Glaive Guisarme Voulge
17: Voulge Glaive Guisarme
18: Glaive Glaive Glaive Guisarme Glaive

Darrel L. Byford's Zombie Reaction Generator

Roll 1d4.

1: Blank stare.
2: Fixed stare.
3: Cold stare.
4: Emotionless stare.
3: Ox Tongue
4: Bill
5: Bill Hook
6: Glaive
7: Guisarme
8: Voulge
9: Guisarme Voulge
10: Glaive Guisarme
11: Glaive Voulge
12: Guisarme Glaive
13: Voulge Guisarme
14: Voulge Glaive
15: Glaive Glaive
16: Glaive Guisarme Voulge
17: Voulge Glaive Guisarme
18: Glaive Glaive Glaive Guisarme Glaive

I'll have the Glaive, Glaive, Glaive, Glaive, Glaive, baked beans, Glaive, Glaive, Glaive and Glaive. But can I get a Glaive instead of the baked beans?
In response to Leftley
On 6/24/01 3:02 pm Leftley wrote:
3: Ox Tongue
4: Bill
5: Bill Hook
6: Glaive
7: Guisarme
8: Voulge
9: Guisarme Voulge
10: Glaive Guisarme
11: Glaive Voulge
12: Guisarme Glaive
13: Voulge Guisarme
14: Voulge Glaive
15: Glaive Glaive
16: Glaive Guisarme Voulge
17: Voulge Glaive Guisarme
18: Glaive Glaive Glaive Guisarme Glaive

I'll have the Glaive, Glaive, Glaive, Glaive, Glaive, baked beans, Glaive, Glaive, Glaive and Glaive. But can I get a Glaive instead of the baked beans?

have you used that befor?
Jeremy T. Gibson's Orc Reaction Generator

Roll 1d4:

1: Attacks.
2: Attacks.
3: Attacks.
4: Attacks.
In response to Spuzzum
On 6/25/01 1:25 pm Spuzzum wrote:
Jeremy T. Gibson's Orc Reaction Generator

Roll 1d4:

1: Attacks.
2: Attacks.
3: Attacks.
4: Attacks.

Jeremiah M. Jobe's Drunken fool reaction table.

Roll 1D6

1: Drink nearest drink
2: Bable on about an unrealted subject.
3: drool
4: fart
5: spend 3 rounds trying to remember how you are to go about thinking something.
6: pass out
I had a sort of a D&D aid for the computer once... wish I still had it... one of the things it would do was generate critter names. And they made me laugh out loud. Things like "Muller's three-toed vivacious purple leaping purple newt" and "Wooden wooden crab" and "Sand."