In response to Spuzzum
Guy is already making this.

Indeed! With the hot weather and all, I've been working on something more appropriate to the spirit of the times; but Hiawathaland is definitely still on The List.

There is, however, plenty of room for multiple Western-themed RPG's. Hiawathaland is going to be kind of on the fringe of the frontier.
On 6/30/01 9:29 pm Geo wrote:
I'm sorta tired of seing medieval rpgs and dbz games, if you can't think of anything else to make try these

1. A western rpg set in the gold rush and regular western days

2. A Greek rpg set in greece, you can play as a custom made heroe or a regualar person or regular soldier.

3. A game where you and others compete to live on a medium smallish island with limited food and fresh water. if a tree is chopped, you'll have to wait for another to come. when you begin you start with basic survival gear(like matches, flashlight(limited battery), rations like a candy bar or sandwhich, ect.)

4. A cop vs robber game set in a fairly big city so the cops have to plan where robbers will strike. It should take a good amount of teamwork.

5.A Risk online game

6.A Egyptain rpg

7. A treasure hunter game where you can go all over the world at the exploration time.

well thats it for now.

I wasn't actually out of ideas but I looked anyways. Does that make me a bad person?
In response to Leftley
I wasn't actually out of ideas but I looked anyways. Does that make me a bad person?

In response to Spuzzum
On 7/1/01 3:11 pm Spuzzum wrote:
I wasn't actually out of ideas but I looked anyways. Does that make me a bad person?


Quiet, whale murderer.
In response to Spuzzum
On 7/1/01 2:53 pm Spuzzum wrote:
Second Edition?

Not sure. I don't have it anymore! =)

The board was very prettily drawn, so it might've been the SE.

Second Edition was the best edition. Third Edition was dummied down considerably, used plastic cones for counters instead of little paper chits.
In response to LexyBitch
Second Edition was the best edition. Third Edition was dummied down considerably, used plastic cones for counters instead of little paper chits.

Must've been the second, then. I made my own paper chits! =)

My favourite class was the soldier. Don't know why, but I loved to grab a sword and shield and get revenge on that damned thief who killed me. But then the damn sorceress got to the crown. Grr.

I tried making my own class (the pikeman) but never got around to it. Not to mention I wasn't nearly as skilled in art back then as I am now.
In response to LexyBitch
On 7/1/01 2:47 pm LexyBitch wrote:
On 7/1/01 2:42 pm Geo wrote:
Well, what I'm thinking of obviously wouldn't have a >first person view like the actual Mechwarrior games. But I >don't think that would cut out any of the fun =)

I already knew. anyways I don't think byond could do first person view.

It could... it would just have to be more Ultima 1 dungeons/Bard's Tale/Forgotten Realms Gold Box style first person than Quake III.

i was thinking of doing one sorta like Castle Wolfinstine... but i dident want to make 800 icons and do even more pages of code...
In response to Spuzzum
(Talisman is the BEST! Okay, so it takes a night and a day to finish one session, but it's the BEST! I used to have all of that game's accessories and the stuff before I moved to my Mom's house and left it at my Dad's.)

i made a game that was killer fun(but it was DBZ) but it took about 5 days to do one battle. I had the speed just like DBZ so depending on your speed you could game for 6 mins just to get past 2 seconds(you could do multible things in a verry <font size = 1>SMALL</font> amount of time..
In response to Spuzzum
On 7/1/01 2:25 pm Spuzzum wrote:
I've always wanted to get my hands on thousands of game systems, but I never had the money or the inclination. All I have in my collection right now is:

I have shelves of books that I never use anymore. They are little more than a dusttrap and a fire hazard now. So few table top gamers left in a digital world. :(

- D&D Basic Set
- D&D Expert Set
- D&D Companion Set

Wow! I thought I was the only one clinging to my old worn out dogeared D&D manuals.

I have tons of AD&D/D&D of course: Almost all the settings (Dark Sun was a favorite of mine), dozens of sourcebooks and even a few music CDs. I haven't bought anything from TSR since they went 3rd edition. Also from TSR I have the first 3 editions of Gamma World. It's a post-appocolyptic game that allowed you to play characters with interesting genetic mutations. Each edition was completely incompatable with the previous. :/

I have most of the early Storyteller games from White Wolf: Vampire, Werewolf, Changeling, and Mage. Played Wraith some, but my group didn't really get into it. Hard to motivate when you're already dead. :P

FASA held my interest for a long time with Shadowrun and Earthdawn. I had been with Shadowrun from the very beginning ('89) until just after they went 3rd edition. Hmm... seems I lose interest in any game when it hits 3rd edition :P Dan! Tom! Hold off BYOND 3.0 as long as you want!

Earthdawn is dead! :( FASA stopped publishing the game. It had a very interesting magic system and was a deep setting, but the gameplay was extremely convoluted.

For a basic attack, you take the character's dex attribute, look up the chart to convert it to a Step Number, add the skill rating to the step number and apply any other modifiers, look up the modified step number on the I-have-all-these-funny-dice-and-need-an-excuse-to-roll-them- all-at-once table. Any die that rolls the max, you can reroll and add to the result. Then you compare the result to the target number and look that up on another chart to see how well you did. None of these charts are in the same section of the book with each other. My first Earthdawn game session, a combat that took 10 minutes game time lasted 4 hours real time.

Some of my favorite games were the less known ones produced by little known companies. ElfQuest (great comic!) from Chaosium was interesting. They had great fumble/critical hit tables and some interesting combat rules that guaranteed crippling injuries and/or severed limbs every combat. Talk about a system that encourages non-violent solutions!

I even managed to find the James Bond RPG at a yard sale. My favorite item in the Q Manual is the cellular phone. This breifcase sized portable telephone only costs about $2000 and can let you make telephone calls from nearly anywhere!

You can find a GURPS starter kit online. I forget the URL but I'll try to find it for you. There are many online game manuals, including a Final Fantasy RPG that looks well done. Again, I don't remember the URL but have it somewhere deep within my bookmarks...

I highly recommend WebRPG online ( for anyone that likes table top RPing but can't find enough people locally to game. It is a "virtual tabletop" for gaming. The only thing WebRPG lacks is splitting the cost of pizza when you all get together to game. It's hard to find a good gamemaster though.
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