As much as I disapprove of DBZ games in general, I realize that the DBZ game coders face a unique set of difficulties that give them a lot more problems than the average coder. Chief among them is finding a way to make their game unique enough to stand out in the crowd, while remaining true and faithful to the ideal of taking everything cool from everyone else's game. So, in order to help alleviate this, here's a couple of general suggestions. Implementing one or two of them just might give your DBZ game an edge over the competition!
10. Re-write "say" code to randomly remove, replace, switch, or garble every third word. Insist that all verbal communication is being "translated from Japanese."
9. Take a page from the book of Scooby-Doo and liven up your game with an endless parade of guest stars. Gohan meets the Addams Family. Gohan meets the Harlem Globetrotters. Gohan meets Don Knotts.
8. Replace the Fusion Dance with the Safety Dance... because your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance, they're no friends of mine.
7. Give races easier to pronounce names. For instance, instead of Saiyan and Namek, call them Vulcans and Klingons.
6. Hey, the name of the game is Dragon Ball Z. Let's see some f***ing dragons!
5. You know how everyone has punching bags in their games that you use to train? Replace these with big slabs of beef, like in Rocky. At least then you'd be copying something different.
4. Have one race/class with the ability to duplicate the calls of common North American songbirds.
3. Two words: Lesbian assassins.
2. Make all your icons be nothing but black space. Loudly and publically accuse all other game designers of stealing your icons.
...and the number one way to make your DBZ game distinct:
1. Make a different game to begin with.
![]() Aug 18 2001, 7:19 pm
LOL, that was funny.
LexyBitch wrote: As much as I disapprove of DBZ games in general, I realize that the DBZ game coders face a unique set of difficulties that give them a lot more problems than the average coder. Chief among them is finding a way to make their game unique enough to stand out in the crowd, while remaining true and faithful to the ideal of taking everything cool from everyone else's game. So, in order to help alleviate this, here's a couple of general suggestions. Implementing one or two of them just might give your DBZ game an edge over the competition! |
You make a lot of good points, but the one about quality is not necessarily applicable, most of the dbz games suck.
And it's true, every single one has those fucking punching bags |
Cybergen wrote:
You make a lot of good points, but the one about quality is not necessarily applicable, most of the dbz games suck. Mines doesnt. But I'm thinking of scrapping mine. It's already up to 1.5MB in size and I've only just finished the character creation interface. *sigh* anyway, I've started another new and hopefulyl origional game. I should jsut host it as is, half those dbz players will be so blown away they'll cream themselves before they even make it into the game proper. |
Cybergen wrote:
You make a lot of good points, but the one about quality is not necessarily applicable, most of the dbz games suck. Huh? Which post were you reading? I said nothing about quality, and I said nothing to imply that DBZ games don't suck. And I'm not even sure that I made any good points. |
LexyBitch wrote:
As much as I disapprove of DBZ games in general, I realize that the DBZ game coders face a unique set of difficulties that give them a lot more problems than the average coder. Chief among them is finding a way to make their game unique enough to stand out in the crowd, while remaining true and faithful to the ideal of taking everything cool from everyone else's game. So, in order to help alleviate this, here's a couple of general suggestions. Implementing one or two of them just might give your DBZ game an edge over the competition! And, switch the attack names, from Spirit bomb etc. To names the average player would be more familiar with (Dbz codebase here) Homework completer, Parent Dismisser, and the allmighty Schoolfree day. God im bored, sorry :p Alathon |
Botman wrote:
I should jsut host it as is, half those dbz players will be so blown away they'll cream themselves before they even make it into the game proper. LOL! Are you remaking DBZ ULTRIMENT? |
6. Hey, the name of the game is Dragon Ball Z. Let's see some f***ing dragons! I'm not saying I Love the show but one thing, it's called Dragon Ball Z because there's a bunch of orange shiny glassy sort of balls, that when you collect all seven, you can make a wish sometimes 1 or 2 or 3. 2. Make all your icons be nothing but black space. Loudly and publically accuse all other game designers of stealing your icons. Now that's a good idea! Maybe i'll make a game with just black, and it's a maze game, and everything's black, and you have to find your way through to the torch at the end. |
LexyBitch wrote:
...and the number one way to make your DBZ game distinct: My DBZ game definitely falls under this category. Unfortunately, I haven't had much time to work on it lately. But perhaps I can work in some of the other excellent suggestions anyway. |
I'm not saying I Love the show but one thing, it's called Dragon Ball Z because there's a bunch of orange shiny glassy sort of balls, that when you collect all seven, you can make a wish sometimes 1 or 2 or 3. That explains the ball, but neither the dragon nor the z. |
LexyBitch wrote:
I'm not saying I Love the show but one thing, it's called Dragon Ball Z because there's a bunch of orange shiny glassy sort of balls, that when you collect all seven, you can make a wish sometimes 1 or 2 or 3. When you collect all seven balls, you get a dragon that ask you "What is your wish?". About the "Z"? Proably the jap do not know any other letters. They just can't put Dragon Ball US. BTW, Z is just one of the incarnation of DB. There is DB, DBZ, DB GT. And many others. I stop watching after the comixs stop publish. |
That explains the ball, but neither the dragon nor the z.the dragon is the thing that comes out of the balls to grant your wishes. I guess it's the japanese version of a genie in a lamp. Z was added onto the original title to sound cool because japanese to not have the leter Z in their alphabet. |
Threefours wrote:
That explains the ball, but neither the dragon nor the z.the dragon is the thing that comes out of the balls to grant your wishes. I guess it's the japanese version of a genie in a lamp. Z was added onto the original title to sound cool because japanese to not have the leter Z in their alphabet. Ah. So how come no one put "the code to make the dragon come out and grant your wishes" in their game? |
LexyBitch wrote:
Threefours wrote: Cuz no one who has a dragonballz game up now knows how to, or the idea hasnt occured to them? Alathon |
LexyBitch wrote:
darn it, Thew dragon comes out of the balls and you make the wishes to the dragon, and the Z is there because it is the Z fighters(goku tien piccolo ect)I'm not saying I Love the show but one thing, it's called Dragon Ball Z because there's a bunch of orange shiny glassy sort of balls, that when you collect all seven, you can make a wish sometimes 1 or 2 or 3. |
This is obviously the best damn advice for you DBZ game makers, especially number 1! =)