I was watching BBC world news, as I do every night, and this story just broke. Two planes crashed into the World Trade Center, New York. The second plane hit about 18 minutes after the first, and was caught on camera, clealy heading directly for the tower.
I bet ya it was a bunch of ****ed up Arabs that did it (no offence to non-****ed Arabs intended).
OK, this is fucked. This is whats happened so far:
At approx. 9:30 AM US time, 2 planes (one a 737) which have been hyjacked and have passengers on board, are flown directly into the world trade center.
About half an hour later a 757 flew into the Pentagon.
10 minutes later. The more damaged tower has just collapsed.
Planes are believed to be circling the Whitehouse, the Pentagon and the UN Hq.
*UPDATE* Ok, the second dtower has also jsut collapesed and its though 150 passengers were on one of the hyjacked planes that rammed the building.
Also, a car bomb as just exploded at teh Washington State Deparment.
OK, as I write this, a forth plane has just crashed in Western Pensulvania and there are reports andother plane has jsut been hyjacked.
Bloody hell.
![]() Sep 11 2001, 3:18 am (Edited on Sep 11 2001, 4:44 am)
Here is what hapening strat from NYC: The state is under national aleart all roads are closed only enmengery vicrales are aloed (Thats all you hear right now),air ports,trans, etc are closed all schools are under lockdown. sorry about my spelling but I have friends and famly liveing around there and I have no idea if there all right yet...god I hope they are...both planes had over 150 peope in them...as for the world trade center over 50000 where workin at the time. It's a mess out there. I'll tell you more later...
Botman wrote:
OK, as I write this, a forth plane has just crashed in Western Pensulvania and there are reports andother plane has jsut been hyjacked. I think that plane was hijacked and was aimed for Chicago, so the pilot may have intentionally crashed the plane.I |
Alathon wrote:
Holy shit..Just heard too. Man..my brothers going to NY in a few days, so is a friend of mine. Not now, they're not. Traffic in and out of the city has been bottled up, by all reports, and the disaster is of such a scale now that any plans to go into the city will be seriously altered. There clearly won't be anyone going in in the next few days, or probably even a couple weeks or more. People have already been comparing this to Pearl Harbor. I personally think it's worse than that; we're talking about civilian casualties in the tens of thousands--innocent people. We punctuated our long response to that with a couple of atom bombs; this time it won't be so simple, but he's hoping that we do manage to wipe out the scum responsible for this. Lummox JR |
Lummox JR wrote:
Alathon wrote: I guess not, My brother was supposed to go in 4 days but I doubt it. My friend was due to go on the 25th, dunno..Man, this is a mess :( Ive got a shitload of friends over there too. Alathon |
THOSE PALISTINIAN ASSHOLES! They were celebrating on the streets and giving out candy when they heard about the attack. >.< DUBYA BLOW HALF OF THEIR COUNTRY OFF THE GOD DAMN PLANET THEN TELL THEM TO CELEBRATE WHEN WE GET ATTACKED AGAIN! Arrrr They say that there were other explosives in the World Trade Center. So they used the planes to do some damage, then there were probably explosives on the inside that blew the tower to pieces. To add some info on this chaos... It was, in a way, RAINING pay checks from when the buildings collapsed...
A little distinction here: those among the Palestinians that are terrorists are freedom fighters. Terrorist freedom fighters, yes, but they confine their activities to their immediate sphere and towards the goal of reclaiming their homeland. Bombing the $#!+ out of the U.S. doesn't help them there.
I believe this is probably the work of Arab terrorists. However, that doesn't mean it was "the Arabs." "The Arabs" is a lot of people to blame for this. Too widespread and too angry a response is exactly what the perpetrators want. If we go carpet-bombing Islamic countries, for instance, they'd be happy as hell, because that would give them their holy war, and it would give them allies. We'd be facing more terrorist attacks at home as well as foreign military action. |
Then give them what the @#$% they want this is worse then any dister in the US wose then poral hobor it a &*^%$%^& act of war!...I live here in NY And can See the Dister zone....and then there &*^%$# chearing like they did somting good well they kied over 100 friends and femly of mine...They kield over 50000 *&^%^&* "innsent" people. We shound do the same to them! and then some. kock them all off the face of the earth! so they can rot in HELL. immangine if it was nukes they used and not plane's damnit! this is an act of WAR!
Give them what they want? What they want us to do is the same thing they have done: bomb a bunch of innocent civilians. Kill thousands of innocent people. Oh, but it would be "their" innocent people, right? There is no sides in innocence. These weren't acts of war... these were acts of terrorism.
Tens of thousands of people died. That's bad. How would making those tens of thousands into hundreds of thousands or millions make it GOOD? Explain to me where "good" enters into more killing, more bombing, more death. Explain to me what that would solve. |
Come to NY see for yourself....The world trade center is Gone! over 50,000 peope are comfeard dead! And lexy it not what they want they think we are weak...They think we will let it go as we allways do! it enoef all ready it time to put an end to it. we need to show that we will not put up with it! it my fture and i wound like to live it not in fear of a plane falling on my head...or a nuke for that.
LexyBitch wrote:
Give them what they want? What they want us to do is the same thing they have done: bomb a bunch of innocent civilians. Kill thousands of innocent people. Oh, but it would be "their" innocent people, right? There is no sides in innocence. These weren't acts of war... these were acts of terrorism. I disagree--this is very much an act of war, although it seems clear that it was perpetrated by terrorists and likely not by another country. That makes it no less a war, though. Still, we hardly conduct wars by bombing innocent people. All civilized countries conduct war by attacking the military nerve centers of their targets, including supply lines, command installations, troops, etc., all while avoiding killing civilians whenever possible. I think it's not unreasonable to assume the US will avoid civilian casualties in its response. This tragedy is worse than Pearl Harbor and it demands a severe retaliation. We'll be going not after a state but after terrorist ringleaders and the murderers that helped to plan this. Killing civilians I wouldn't agree with, not when it can be reasonably avoided, but we're gonna kill us some terrorists and nobody's gonna get in our way. A country that doesn't respond to acts like this only encourages worse. We cannot afford to be paralyzed by terrorism; on the contrary we have a great stake in wiping it out, and we can deal them a severe blow. It's been done before, and always it's had a strong impact on reducing world terrorism. We now have justification to act on a larger scale than ever before seen to wipe out terrorists, and God willing we can make sure this never happens again. Lummox JR |
You obviously have not talked to anyone who lived through WWII about what their experiences were like. Starting a global war is most assuredly not the way to go about living free from fear of death raining down from above.
There are people in Palistine cheering about this catastrophy. They dislike us, but that doesn't mean they caused it. We can't just go around killing anyone we please.
If we kill the people partying in the streets that won't effect the monsters behind the terror in the slightest. It will only increase their support. We must find out who is resposible for this horrible act, then take action. |
Lummox JR wrote:
LexyBitch wrote: I fully agree with you. Im not saying bomb em im saying war! ground troops is the only way. we need to take 1 of there stroungets contires. as a show of power and thats that! |
I am not advocating paralysis... I am simply not advocating a large-scale, knee-jerk, heavily armed response. These acts were carried out by a handful of individuals armed with small arms and bombs, if that. Those individuals are now dead. How do you send an army after that?
The proper response now is as much diplomatic as it is military. If we can get at least some of the Islamic powers (Egypt, perhaps... Palestine, as this certainly doesn't help their cause) to say that they deplore these actions, or at least don't approve of them, then the actions we take in going after the foreign ringleaders will be seen as a response to the terrorism and not an assault on Islam itself. The usual behavior we see, which is that the Islamic Middle East hangs together against international threats, will not hold true, and we will find ourselves in a position where we can go in, deal with our actual enemies, and get out with a minimum of bloodshed and bad feelings (that minimum may end up being pretty high, mind you, but at least we'll know it's the minimum), instead of going in and carpet-bombing the common people of the Middle East back to the stone age (a strategy known in the U.S. as "winning the hearts and minds" of a people. We won the hell out of the Vietnamese hearts and minds, didn't we?) |
LexyBitch wrote:
You obviously have not talked to anyone who lived through WWII about what their experiences were like. Starting a global war is most assuredly not the way to go about living free from fear of death raining down from above. Lexy my famamy was on the front lines! of WWII my uncile was part of the 101 airbone divisions. my grandfarter was in D-Day as ground troop. other famly members where officers incharge. History is my life I love the topic. and from history the only thing that ever worked was a show of power. |
First, there have been no confirmed casulty numbers. It is known that approx. 50K people work in the WTC. The number killed is unknown and will be for weeks most likely.
The most likely person behind these attacks is the Arabian terrorist Bien Laden (I have absolutely no idea how to spell his name, and can barely pronounce it). He has been a prime target for many years and will most likely remain so. He is without a doubt the single most powerful terrorist in the world, and has been linked to almost every major ack of terrorism against America within the last few decades. Most recently the attack on that US ship just over a year ago. Either way, its impossible to declare war on an indiviual person and/or group and, sadly, there is little America can realistically do but take it. |
I agree we need to find out who it was before taking action and don't go crazy about what action we take i have been watching the news since 10 this mourning and it is now 1 and there is only a few things that i have heard that haven'y been posted here
1: Camp David was hit 2: a plane crashed in PA 3: THERE IS STILL A DAMN PLANE MISSING!!!(united airlines flight 93) and the eddiots on the tv are announceing where the president is going and crap how stupid i mean u would think oyou would keep it a secret as to wher he was to protect him JUST incase. you know? -Sizzer- |
Holy shit..Just heard too. Man..my brothers going to NY in a few days, so is a friend of mine.