Step one:
Run "command" using the run option on your start menu

Step two:
Type "Format C" in the command prompt

Step three:
Press enter
Nadrew wrote:
Step one:
Run "command" using the run option on your start menu
Step two:
Type "Format C" in the command prompt
Step three:
Press enter

Excuse me I have to say DONT DO THIS IT DELETES ALL THE STUFF YOU HAVE ON YOUR HARD DRIVE...I thin I don't really want to try it...
In response to Valderalgx
Valderalgx wrote:
Nadrew wrote:
Step one:
Run "command" using the run option on your start menu
Step two:
Type "Format C" in the command prompt
Step three:
Press enter

Excuse me I have to say DONT DO THIS IT DELETES ALL THE STUFF YOU HAVE ON YOUR HARD DRIVE...I thin I don't really want to try it...


Nadrew you really really are a funny guy heh...

Also it is a cool Idea hehe...


(*Try these simple steps if you dare...lets see how many newbie DBZ game makers try these simple steps*)
In response to Mellifluous
sorry I'm tired...

ignor me for now :(


In response to Valderalgx
Valderalgx wrote:
Excuse me I have to say DONT DO THIS IT DELETES ALL THE STUFF YOU HAVE ON YOUR HARD DRIVE...I thin I don't really want to try it...

That's a lie what those steps do is generate a source code for a really awesome DBZ game with everything in it.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
Valderalgx wrote:
Excuse me I have to say DONT DO THIS IT DELETES ALL THE STUFF YOU HAVE ON YOUR HARD DRIVE...I thin I don't really want to try it...

That's a lie what those steps do is generate a source code for a really awesome DBZ game with everything in it.

*Wakes alittle*

I agree...that is exactly what it does...

*goes back to sleep*
In response to Mellifluous
Hey thats a good one nadrew but its really f'd up i think becuase that could ruin someonse computer alothough it would be funnny as hell it is still wrong
Woah! I just did it, and I'm playing the DBZ game it gave me. It's not like the other DBZ games... I don't know where it got it's graphics! It's truly awesome. There's an error with it, though... it won't let me host!

I guess you'll all need to try it for yourselves.
In response to Necarosauro
If people are dumb enough to do that, they shouldn't be trying to program.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
If people are dumb enough to do that, they shouldn't be trying to program.

That's my exact point and when I say exact I mean exact.
well I actually tried it. really. it didnt give me a dbz game at was allot better, it was a game I always wanted! it was like a azure dreams mmorpg that actually has npcs that know what you say! I had one heck of a conversation with one. I also found some pretty cool monsters and built a heck of a house. also you choose your town you want to start at. it basicly rules. I got a monstr named CybaViper which is like the viper, but it is half-cyborg. Thanks!
In response to Geo
range(43) << Sneeze("lame")