That means it's time for another
Lummox JR has been working hard at BYOND's helm, implementing a lot of cool new features, and being super active on the forums. Let's give him a show of appreciation and support by striving to hit the donation goal for this month!
To help in that effort, I will be matching all donations made to BYOND until we hit the $5000 goal!
So, if you've been mulling over making a donation or buying a membership for you or a friend, do it before the end of the month and it'll do twice the good! Even if you can only afford $5, here's your chance to double it.
Each night I'll check how much we've raised, and donate an equivalent amount. I'll keep track of our progress in this post!
Also, this goes without saying, but please don't give beyond your means. We can hit the goal without anyone putting themselves at financial risk, just help spread the word! A lot of little donations can do it!
And without further ado, BEHOLD! The ramen tower of fundraising:

| Date | Total | Raised | Post-match |
| 18th 3:00PM PST | $1000 | ---- | ----- |
| 18th 4:00PM PST | $1320 | $320 | $1640 |
| 18th 10:00PM PST | $1790 | $150 | $1940 |
| 19th 8:00PM PST | $2078 | $138 | $2216 |
| 20th 10:00PM PST | $2311 | $95 | $2406 |
| 22th 9:00PM PST | $2475 | $69 | $2544 |
| 24th 9:30PM PST | $2668 | $124 | $2792 |
| 27th 8:00PM PST | $2938 | $146 | $3084 |
| 27th 8:00PM PST | $3237 | $153 | $3390 |
Donations during event: $1195 / $2000
Amount matched: $1195 / $2000
Event total: $2390 / $4000
Monthly total: $3390 / $5000