I ran out of ideas to chat about and decided to post this message.
1.) What is your most prised posession?
My most prised posession has to be my computer. As of now it proves to be a great life away from my average one "Controllable Schitzofrenia", and soon may provide a job for myself, as i plan to be a software/video game designer.
2.) How old are you
I am 16 yrs old
Just Bored
![]() Oct 26 2001, 7:28 am
I will have to agree with Atholon my most prized possesions are my Computer and Ps2, even though my Ps2 has been sitting under my bed for like 3 months now. I am 14 BTW
B-day is June 4. Atholon what Ps2 games ya got :o) |
Its Alathon, and I got it 2 days ago. Only have Tekken Tag and RE:Code Veronica X. Need to get MGS2, Armored Core 2
Alathon |
O sorry for the mispelling for your name, I have 2 ps2 games and they are SO FUN but, I like playing with a friend and I just moved here so have no one to play with yet, but I would recomend Warriors of Might and magic, that is a fun game and I am almost done with it but im stuck somewhere and cant seem to find out what im supposed to do and the other one I got is Midnight Club Street racing, You would like it if u like car stunts and racing I like it alot you can either go into story mode and race pepole and try to get the cars unlocked or u can just go to joyride and drive around on the HUGE city maps, there are 2- New York City and London, but still very fun.
Stealth2k |
My most prized possesions are my Computer and my computer consoles :)
I am 17 years old and my DOB is 22/10/1984 Lee |
Most prized possession? Goes between my Computer, PS2. One of those though Mine is probably the big pile of stuff I've written or drawn over the course of my life... I haven't done much with it yet, but there's always the possibility! On the other hand, the possession that's getting the most attention lately is the PS2. Grand Theft Auto 3 is the best video game I've ever played. And I've played quite a few since I started with one of these. |
Gughunter wrote:
Most prized possession? Goes between my Computer, PS2. One of those though Im looking to get GTA3 and Grand Tourismo 3 as well, both great games. Got a limit on me tab though :P Alathon |
Gughunter wrote:
On the other hand, the possession that's getting the most attention lately is the PS2. Grand Theft Auto 3 is the best video game I've ever played. And I've played quite a few since I started with one of these. Ooh! I'm getting that today :). In the small town I'm in, we don't get much good video game shipments! |
My most prized possession is NOT my computer, I despise the pitiful piece of trash no matter how up-to-date it is for being a miserable part of my life. Rather, my most prized possessions are those outlandish ideas I have crammed in the back of my mind, which will never go out of date and can only be stolen or damaged by injury and FBI agents.
My age is not for internet people to know. |
1.) What is your most prised posession? My life. There's nothing more valuable than that. 2.) How old are you Going on 17 in about three days, -- considering I was born at 10 AM on the 29th of October, 1984. |
Actually, I never mentioned anything about games being what I love most. Mostly because they aren't.
Grand Theft Auto 3 is the best video game I've ever played.
THAT'S OUT?! Woohoo! I'd better rent it, pronto! |
Spuzzum wrote:
Grand Theft Auto 3 is the best video game I've ever played. BAH! I HATE BLOCKBUSTER! I called them today at 4:00, and asked if they had it. They said they did, but they had to package it up. They said to call back at 7:00 tonight. I call at 7:00, and it's a different guy: "What? I don't think that's out; it comes out late January." I grudgingly hang up (without saying goodbye: what toughness!), and yell at Theodis for their problems. Here's some transcript: <small> Vortezz: sob Vortezz: Must.. get.. gta3... Vortezz: screw blockbuster. Vortezz: stupid.. idiots Vortezz: poorly coordinated idiots Vortezz: "blah blah blah blah blah" Vortezz: "bla bla?" Vortezz: "BLAH!" Vortezz: BLING Vortezz: piece of trash Vortezz: WOW Vortezz: piece of trash blockbuster Vortezz: i'm angry Theodis: Yeah blockbuster is awful. Vortezz: local store said they'd have it Vortezz: but nooooo Theodis: hehe I can watch you base with my guy :) Vortezz: i'm very angry >< Vortezz: woo Vortezz: i think the other blockbuster has it! Vortezz: they're "checking" for it Vortezz: :P Vortezz: frickin morons Vortezz: i called them earlier, and they said they had it: they were "packaging it" Vortezz: "call back at 7:00" Vortezz: i call at 7:00 Vortezz: "I don't think it's out yet. It comes out late january" Vortezz: i'm like "ooooooookay.." Vortezz: k </small> Me very angry! Microplay doesn't have it (their providers shipped it ground instead of air; I WANT MY GTA3!!), either does All Fun N' Games, nor Rogers Video (probably for the best - $7 two day rentals.. EEK!), I HATE LIFE! *sobs* |
Me very angry! Microplay doesn't have it (their providers shipped it ground instead of air; I WANT MY GTA3!!), either does All Fun N' Games, nor Rogers Video (probably for the best - $7 two day rentals.. EEK!), I HATE LIFE! Hmm. If I head over to Encore Video I might be able to score myself a copy for a week for $7. That's an awesome buy/sell/rent/hobby store. |
Spuzzum wrote:
Hmm. If I head over to Encore Video I might be able to score myself a copy for a week for $7. That's an awesome buy/sell/rent/hobby store. Oh, well pshaw. Go and ruin my night for me! Cry.. cry.. cry... Eh, it's yer birthday soon; have yer fun. Cry, cry, cry... |
Cry, cry, cry... If I'm lucky, EB might have both Battlecruiser: Millenium and a copy of GTA3 waiting for me! =D |
Alathon, 13 btw