It'd Be coolif byond had a feature that disabled releasing dbz games that arent good(if there is any)
Ooops...I have no clue what happened there!
CloneGoku wrote:
It'd Be coolif byond had a feature that disabled releasing dbz games that arent good(if there is any)

Or if they blocked people with DBZ Keynames, unless they're cool (if there is any)
In response to Vortezz
......If you are pointing that at me along with other i chose this name simply because its easy to come up with and it was there when i signed up on BYOND i have other keynames but this is what alot of people know me on
In response to Beer Monkey
I was refering to your drunken monkey speach, Beer Monkey, which seems to have disapeared from the thread.... So I edited my response so as not to look like some blathering idiot, but I think it's a little late... yup
In response to Xooxer
ack! my little bro went under his name and didnt log out damn it!