Someone should make a strategy engine so it can help people create games. I would like to make a war type game on byond.
Hehe. I could do that... if only I knew how to manage sav files! Sav files would infinately help my late text engine too! I am quite angry at myself for being so unable to grasp sav file manipulation
In response to Lord of Water
lasy bastard...
You mean like DrugCraft? thats ace :D

<font color=yellow>Unix
In response to ADDiCt
hehe with a good straegy engine ill kick ass with my game.

In response to Lord of Water
I was quite baffled by DeadRon's EventLoop, so I figured that if I read through it, saw how it worked, and tried to write the code (without looking as much as possible) that I would have a better grasp at how it works.

Turns out it worked. I actually know how to use it now. :)

that post shouldnt be there
Dont worry, I think I'll be able to release my engine fairly soon.