Does any one know where i could get a good program to unzip things(please not winzip)
something along the lines of Zipzilla(wich i cant find any more)
becuase when i use winzip it opens the fils to a file i cant open(wich really bites)
So if there are any other ones could you please tell me

Please be more specific in what you're looking for, I've had no trouble with winzip.
I use WinAce myself. I think it is a great deal better than WinZip.
In response to Nadrew
I cant be any more specific
becuase i said something along the lines of Zip zilla
and stuff like that
like i said before i cant stand winzip
i didnt have problems with it untill my computer got reformated and i cant change what it does
becuase i have unistalled it and looked threw every option thing on winzip and winzip classic and nothing helped me but if any one knows where i could change the assocciated program at becuase it opens it into the DREAMM~1 and i dont know how to fix it
so could some one please help
