It's here everyone! What you all been waiting for! The very first PBAG CONTEST! (woot woot)

The rules are simple:

You will join the Pbag Discussion chat client which I have taken the liburty to make,

You will wait until 12:00 EASTERN STANDARD TIME,(i dunno wat all dose other times r lol i r just a nub)

When I announce the contest begin thingy, you will program a pbag code,

And on September 20th, I will announce dah best pbag programmar

What's in it for me?

You will receive a pat on the back.

Are dere liek 2nd place winnars?

Dere will be no second place winners.

Just a pat on the back?

stfu nub

If you have any qwestions concerning this pbag contest, you may post in dah forum and i will answer u

What is this for, your DBZ game?
Well ya i copy and paste dah best code a put in my game

lyke zomg wtf bbq! gimme gm plz i do nethign
o oh kk u can hav gm's but no killing at yamcha kk
and no killing mastur roshi he immportint
o k make sure u giv me edit i i wont use it tho i promiss
gd lck 2 u all
how u liek me now