In response to Goten84
Goten84 wrote:
Actually, I have more complex code. I didn't that that was complex tho, I mean, all it's doing is using arrays. ;) Actually, what would really be nice is if this BYOND Forum put up a code free section where people can place all their code to whatever program they make. I'm all for Open Source and wouldn't mind sharing my codes with other people.

I don't think I would like that at all. Its like having a forum about cars, with 10 different boards on subjects about cars, and then having one about Boats.

They both use engines, they are both used to get somewhere, but they are totally unrelated.

Im not against Open Source, but again I would find it disturbing and...out of sync if we had these forums : "General, Bug Reports, Code Problems, Creations, Design Philosophy, Babble, Newbie Central, Open Source Code Dump"


In response to Goten84
Did anybody here ever make a C++ game demo? It would be interesting to see!
damn you!

I need to do open gl, except in VB!

In response to Wall04
I wrote this quick DOS game one night... sunday i think. I included the full source code too. You can download it but you HAVE TO COPY AND PASTE THIS URL :

It's a REALLY SIMPLE game, it should be since it took me an HOUR to make. It just introduces techniques for me to use when creating a PLAYER Structure for a game.

Soon I post my source code for my particle engine in OpenGL. It's really cool because it's portable and I can include the class in all my 3D work.
In response to Alathon
Im not against Open Source, but again I would find it disturbing and...out of sync if we had these forums : "General, Bug Reports, Code Problems, Creations, Design Philosophy, Babble, Newbie Central, Open Source Code Dump"

Besides which, there are already sections where demos and libraries can be uploaded.
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