(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
I was wondering if there is any way to update in game without having to remake host files all the time.
What kind of updating do you mean? If you're updating information like stats and text, then you can always store that information in configuration files to be read on world startup and applied.

If you're talking about updating the code itself, no. If you're adding anything to the code itself, you'll have to recompile and reexport the host files.

My advice would be to use external files to store information where you can for simplicity, that way you only have to change variables in those files to make changes and it'll speed up the update process a lot more.
oh okay thank you
Best response
Yes, the more you can rely on external files, the better off you are.
Is there a way to update host files on vps quicker?
No faster than the method's we've already been over. It won't matter whether you're on a desktop or running it from a VPN shell, it'll be the same pipeline.