Hello all,
Just a quick update for those interested.
"Where have you been!?"
Here are some excuses: I've been busy with life and job and moving and internet issues, etc, for some time now, and as a result the Cow RP server has been down and I've been unable to do much development.
"Where are you know?!"
More recently, everything has been settling for me, and I've been getting back into the groove of .dm and Cow RP development. I'm hosting a Cow RP server on my PC, and you should expect the server to be 24/7.
"Where will you be?!"
I don't want to make any grand promises I can't live up to, but I'm definitely working on Cow RP. I have some plans. I even have some large scale plans. But I don't want to get anyone's hopes up only to dash them upon the ground.
That being said, expect updates and changes, at the very least on a minor scale.
Here are a few examples of features I've already completed in the past few days, just so you know I'm not bluffing (these will be in the next version, 4.05):
Reworked tailoring crafting to use new universal/generic "cloth" item you create from combining 2 items of (new) hemp crop, hide, or wool.
"Will" meter serving the purpose of Stamina (Sprinting) and Mana (spells)
Push R to toggle sprinting
A couple new magic spells
Several minor bug fixes
A couple other secret things
I have plenty of features to add on my list, but don't be afraid to suggest new features. Please put them in the Feature Request board here or in the Suggestions category on the Cow RP forums.
Thanks for reading!
![]() Sep 10 2015, 6:39 pm
![]() Sep 10 2015, 7:26 pm
Horse RP is better.